risinghorizon Wrote:
> When it is obvious that the left hand does not
> know what the right hand is doing...
> After explaining that I did not receive an email
> and I had no way of knowing who the editor was, I
> received this? Is anyone reading anything before
> they even send any Final Notice or for that
> matter, before they dock two points for having to
> contact the shopper on something already on the
> report?
In checking my shop log to see if the payment for my numerous shops have been processed, I discovered that the Final Notice was still there for the shop mentioned in my main post. I emailed 'Contact US'
and I was told the shop has been accepted a month ago. So I asked why was the Final Notice still there. No reply. I also emailed the reviewer, also no reply.
Then I discovered that one locaton was not going to be paid. I emailed 'Contact Us' again. Again, no reply. I discovered from my inbox that the scheduler somehow switched the reports for two locations and though I was able to correct one location, I was too late to do it for the other after I received her email about what she did. She never responded when I asked that she open the other location because the report was correct and she should not have switched them around. No reply again. This is why I get frustrated with some contacts. They could ruin your good records which you try to maintain.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/23/2012 06:12PM by risinghorizon.