The Real Deal

Nothing is going to be perfect, including yourself. Sometimes you will win big and other times you might lose. You are gambling for the most part on yourself, the person you know best. I do quite a few shops. I did over 200 this past month. When a snotty editor gives you an "8" for a "10" report, laugh! You will still get paid the same amount, but stop taking shops from that company or take them as fill ins. (If you gave a great report.) (Some editors get paid a few bucks by editing your report) Avoid these companies. Good editors are not leaches. They will read your report, fix errors and contact you if there is a need for clarifications. They are more like mentors. Do your best, get nibbled on by the sharks and leaches and have fun! It really is fun, It just takes time to find the greatest companies to shop for. Nobody will tell you who they are, but YOU!

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