MSC Flaked on ME! Argh!

Well, I had an irritating morning. I accepted two retail shops for this week that were for the reimbursement. $8 shop fee, but $60 reimbursement on paint. I had big plans with this reimbursement!

Completed one on Wednesday and had one scheduled 35 miles away today. I completed the phone portion of the shop at 9:03 AM and hit the door. I reached the small town where the shop was located around 9:40 AM. As soon as I exited the interstate and little voice inside of me told me to check my email on my phone. At the traffic light near the shop, I checked my email.

This is what I found. Time stamp 9:20:

We have been informed by the client that this location no longer wishes to
participate in the mystery shopping program. This shop will be cancelled and
removed from your active list of shops.

WHAT?!?!?!?!? The MSC totally flaked on me!!!!

Im so thankful I did not buy the paint. This is expensive paint and quite a luxury for me as I usually buy the mid priced paint at the box hardware store.

I have not emailed the MSC because I know it will do no good. Im just irritated.

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Please excuse the typos and bad grammar. My frustration has caused me to type too quickly and not proofread!
I know, weird. Also, I did the exact same shop (same client) on Wednesday. The days the shop could be performed were March 7,8,9,10,13,14. What if I had bought the paint? Would I have still been reimbursed? I have my printed out CPI.

I need to collect my thoughts before I email the Help Desk. I feel I should get some compensation since I performed half of the shop (the phone portion).

It's almost not worth the time/effort/headache because I know it will be a waste of time.
So sorry...Im sure you can pick up a Golden Arches! LOL!

geauxcj Wrote:
> I had one cancel on me tonight sad smiley steak dinner sad smiley
> sad smiley
I know who it was for and they will have zero compassion to your side and zero pay.... I had the same thing last year. It was a too bad response.... wonder why they lose shoppers and drop shoppers?
Had you already completed the shop or did you find out in time?

Im sure if I emailed the help desk I would get a "too bad, so sad" form email.

> I know who it was for and they will have zero
> compassion to your side and zero pay.... I had the
> same thing last year. It was a too bad
> response.... wonder why they lose shoppers and
> drop shoppers?
OH NO!!! I know you had to be angry! The paint is good paint, but I would never pay $55 a gallon (except when I'm reimbursed).

What did the help desk say? Sounds like you had to "eat" the paint so to speak.

> I had paint in the car. Non returnable mixed
> paint....
I pick and choose my assignments wisely now gigishopper. If it is a purchase I make sure I can return if it fails.
I pick and choose my assignments wisely now gigishopper. If it is a purchase I make sure I can return if it fails.
I've had one shop cancel on me first thing in the morning and I saw it before I left to complete it. Otherwise, if a shop's been canceled, it's always been a few days out with an apology.

I don't what company this is but I find it irresponsible and unethical to cancel the day of for non-returnable, expensive merchandise. If the client really is cancelling last minute, I would let them know that it had already been scheduled for that day so they'd have to pay for it and give at least a week's notice for future cancellations. I'd probably be ticked enough to contact the client if the MSP didn't provide satisfaction for not living up to their end of the contract. I'd let the client know what the MSP said and let them know that I will be spreading word of their shady policies as it sounds like a scam to get people suckered into buying merchandise. Granted, I doubt that was the reason for cancellation, but I'd damn well play up the offended. And have every right to be ticked.

I'm just glad you found out before the paint was bought! That just sucks for CanadaMommy.
On the bright side this paint was beyond excellent paint and I will NEVER have to repaint that fence ever again. It is the best paint I have ever used. Just leaned the hard way.
Now I wanna know what brand of paint that is! LOL (Not the MSC.) I've got a front yard fence and porch that the previous owners painted and I doubt any amount of powerspraying is going to remove all the color. I might have to take out a loan but if it'll be years before it needs another paint job, it'd be worth it!
I agree, it is excellent paint! I have completed this shop several times before and am spoiled to this brand!!! I was SO looking forward to two gallons this round! I have one, so I might have to bite the bullitt and purchase another gallon so I can paint my living room and hallway.
a. can someone post the client or the MSC so we can all be aware.

b. this is what I am talking about. I am SO fed up with this type of treatment.
> I had paint in the car. Non returnable mixed
> paint....

How does the company get away with this ? Isnt the point of a contract that we agree to do the work and they agree to pay us? It seems that they would have no wiggle room to get out of paying you for your paint.
I wonder that as well. In my case, I have my CPI. I also have the email with the time sent as 9:20AM. I was within 2 blocks of the shop location when I read the email.

The MSC we are referring to is one of the top 3 discussed on this forum. The "help desk" is not very helpful and it is impossible reach anyone who can do anything by phone.

minuet00 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I had paint in the car. Non returnable mixed
> > paint....
> How does the company get away with this ? Isnt the
> point of a contract that we agree to do the work
> and they agree to pay us? It seems that they would
> have no wiggle room to get out of paying you for
> your paint.
Thanks, I figured it out. You know, we can mention the MSC OR the client.

I am really disheartened when I hear about things like this happening.

#%TQ( GQ R#@#$ #$%!%$!#$

I think that says it all.

gigishopper Wrote:
> I wonder that as well. In my case, I have my CPI.
> I also have the email with the time sent as
> 9:20AM. I was within 2 blocks of the shop location
> when I read the email.
> The MSC we are referring to is one of the top 3
> discussed on this forum. The "help desk" is not
> very helpful and it is impossible reach anyone who
> can do anything by phone.
> minuet00 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I had paint in the car. Non returnable mixed
> > > paint....
> >
> >
> > How does the company get away with this ? Isnt
> the
> > point of a contract that we agree to do the
> work
> > and they agree to pay us? It seems that they
> would
> > have no wiggle room to get out of paying you
> for
> > your paint.
There's enough there to figure out the MSC, but I wanted the client. Bummer. I'm deactivated with that company so I can't log in. No particular reason other than I hadn't worked with them for awhile. I was sent a packet to fill out to reapply but I've been too buzy/lazy/disinterested to send it back. One day.
So I emailed the help desk. They claimed the email was sent 9:20 EST, which was 8:20CST, so they can't pay me. Well, guess what?? I AM IN THE Eastern Time Zone, duh!!!

Can't wait to see their response. Guess they gotta pay me now!

Do they not research such things before they respond? They expect us to be detail oriented, but obviously do not follow the same standards.
If you print the paperwork the morning of the shop we presume its safe for the day. Not so with them. Not everyone checks or can check messages at the last second before running in a store. Pretty soon I expect we shall see that requirement along with the GPS from another company.
Gigishopper - Had to laugh at your comment above! Make sure you post it when (or rather IF) you get a reply!

Now that we did the "Spring Forward" I will be curious to see what happens with MCS's and different time zones at least for me out here in AZ!

Arizona doesn't change time. During DST we are 3 hours behind EST; in the Winter, we are only 2 hours.

~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~

Proud To Be A Soldier's Mom
I will post their response if I get one. My iPhone saved me on that one. I know not everyone has email on their phones. I agree if the CPI prints the day of the shop, there should be no canceling.

I'm gonna fight for my $8 shop fee. I completed the phone portion and drove to the location.
I, too, have had shops dropped by this MSC. With one exception, it is always well in advance of the time of the shop. The one exception was an email I received time stamped AFTER the hours I was to do the shop. Of course, I had done it AND filed the paperwork!! I emailed them and they apologized and paid my shop fee and reimbursement. The other times, I just let it go because I had plenty of warning time. I don't know what I would do if I was out for the day and a shop for them was cancelled while I was out. I don't have email on my phone or wifi service on my laptop. Surely these cancellations must be exceptions .. couldn't they try to call us if there is very short notice?? They sure don't hesitate to call when they want me to DO a shop at the last minute.
They have even called me when they reschedule a shop. Someone wasn't doing their job on Friday.
It shouldn't matter when the paperwork is printed. I try to print everything when I'm assigned so I don't forget. I don't remember reading in any of the contracts that an MSC can cancel last minute or after the shop's been done and not pay. They should, at minimum, reimburse for the purchase. It's probably pocket change for these clients.
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