Plm- Most likely that is what you saw. When I find them in the house, I try and get them outside since they also work on keeping a scorpion population down. But, those buggers are humungous! Their bodies are larger than a 50 cent piece! AND they scuttle to the side - very quickly. They also bite and it can be painful.
I came home from a weekend away visiting the kids, walked inside, was talking on the phone to DH, and let out a huge screech! One was up on the ceiling in the corner. Well, he was way too big to be sitting in the corner - close to my desk, so he had to go. When I hit him with the spray though, he jumped AT ME.
Another time, early in the AM, opened the shower curtain, (had the lights off in the bathroom), and I turned on the water, went to step inside - but for some really weird reason I did not put my foot down. I can't see diddly without glasses, but it looked awful dark in one spot in the tub. I decided to turn on the lights. Dang glad I did! That guy was huge too! They come in for the water, so out here, you cannot reach under sinks, toilets, water spigots, hoses, without checking first. (same thing as scorpions).
plmccut Wrote:
> Rainyday - So that's what those humungous spiders
> are - wolf spiders? Years ago my brother, his
> family and I drove out to the Grand Canyon and
> came back to NM by going south along the Salt
> River and we had to go to the bathroom really bad.
> The only place was one small rest stop which only
> had the old fashioned wooden outhouses. When it
> was my turn to go I went in, turned around and saw
> these humongous spiders clustered down the corners
> of the outhouse. Needless to say, I never even
> unzipped my jeans but decided I'd wait. I asked
> my very fastidious sister-in-law what she thought
> they were and she said she never even looked as
> she kept her eyes closed!
I don't know Lisa.. if the spiders are shy - they will creep up on you before you know it! LOL! My husband hates spiders - I don't mind them. I'll even name them. Normally it's "Harry". Don't mind snakes either. Roaches? Forget it. That's probably how I'll die, falling into a pit filled with roaches.
LisaSTL Wrote:
> We have wolf spiders around here, but apparently
> everything is bigger in Arizona, LOL! Ours are
> also quite shy.
> Hey my Florida friend, it's a dry heat, but then
> so is my oven
~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~
Proud To Be A Soldier's Mom