That's what I did. I simply told them of the problem and asked if it could be fixed. I'll post the response I get. I just assigned a shop last night.
Flash Wrote:
> I would go by stages. I first would innocently
> ask the Help Desk whether there were changes to
> the system because under I was not seeing the
> Select Shops. I would let them come back and tell
> me in writing that I was no longer going to be
> allowed to select shops. I might try a return
> message to the Help Desk asking if this was for
> all clients or just some clients. I would not get
> into a pissing match with them because they are
> trained to provide 'non-answers' in writing.
> Once I felt comfortable that I could have a
> non-emotional, non-defensive, non-whining
> conversation with them I would call and indicate
> my concern, my interest in continuing to work with
> them, yadda yadda and my lack of understanding of
> what I might possibly have done that offended
> them.
> The chips will fall where they may. Chances are
> not good about being reinstated. Put on your 'to
> do' list in 6 months or so to request
> reinstatement.