Some times there is a good reason such as 'they are sending more than one shopper going in and they do not want both of them going in the same day.
That isn't very frequent but it does happen.
myshop2011 Wrote:
> See, that's what concerned me. I was afraid that
> even though the date I would do it was within the
> deadline, it was after the date I confirmed for.
> On the phone, the scheduler said there would not
> be any problems, so I hope that is correct.
> I've heard more good news on this forum than bad
> news about this company, so I surely didn't want
> to mess up my first shop!!
> I don't know why every MS company doesn't just
> give a range of dates to choose from and as long
> as you are in that range, it doesn't matter what
> specific day you commit to. Aren't we all grown
> ups here???