As I'm sure most of you know, MF did an upgrade of their systems and now has constant problems with Firefox and IE9. No one has the correct information- it'll be fixed tomorrow, next week, last Tuesday, etc. and their main "helpful" suggestion has been to tell me to put Google Chrome on both my computers! I already have a browser, and don;t want to add more!I have 2 unpaid shops for February that I will have to pay to fax today, and then I get a nasty call from the purple portal.
She demands to know why my paperwork/reports are overdue, hostile, rude. I carefully explained to her what's going on with their browser, and she says to give her the information "right now" and she will type it in in the office. Ummmm, sorry, I am on my way out the door in 5 minutes to go to my other jobs. She gets nasty again, loud voice- I read her what is posted in my message box about the browser problems, and she practically calls me a liar. She send me a blank email, and says- send me your reports right now by email. As Im talking to her, in my inbox pops an apology from purple "help desk" where they say they are working hard to solve the browser problems, and here is the correct email to send them to. What? She just told me they have NO browser problems!
Well, well, guess I'll copy and paste this email to her and say "looks like you ARE aware there are browser problems, keeping CFA's from submitting." 2 hours later, very sheepish email, stopping just short of an apology and saying she has forwarded the email to all her bosses and the supervisors. Vindication! But still no fix to their system, submission is hit and miss, and I get to spend $3 faxing today. Grrrr...rant over.
~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~* Shoppin' Mama of 4 lovely & unique girls and Nana to Bella, Delilah and Lincoln, shopping in Oregon and parts of Washington