redhead5 Wrote:
> I believe the demand for an EIN and the bidding
> for shops are related. I think once they get EINs
> for everyone then they will start the bidding on
> shops across the board. They will claim they are
> subcontracting to the lowest business bidder (i.e.
> you) and therefore aren't responsible for any
> paperwork or any requirements regarding whether
> their work qualifies as independent contracting
> work. They will claim that is the responsibility
> of "the business" they subcontracted to (i.e. you)
> and the IRS needs to contact you about those
> concerns. This is trouble I don't want
I'm betting you are right. I already decided to kiss TS goodbye rather than get an EIN, but, even if I were considering an EIN, I would kiss them goodbye rather than bid on shops.