HaveARayDay Wrote:
> I had an issue with GFK last month. I did a shop
> and they said they didn't receive the report. I
> replied that I did the report and asked to
> resubmit it. I also submitted my proof in the
> email. In addition, I called a number of times
> and left messages. This went on for two weeks.
> Later, the scheduler sent out a bonus email for
> the exact same shop, with the same shop number. I
> contacted the scheduler to ask why she didn't get
> back to me because I already did the shop. She
> said she already rescheduled it to someone else.
> She never answered my original question, and
> didn't offer any apology or acknowledgement of the
> mistake. I was livid to say the least.
This is unacceptable. I hope that you pursue it. Let us know. The scheduler messed up as far as I am concerned.