Dealing with MFI's CPI

I saw this on the Volition forum. This is faster than downloading the CPI, taping the 2 pages together, signing, then scanning back in:

Aileen, at Volition, captures the screen, opens it in Paint or any other image editor, puts a text signature on, then re-saves it. It never leaves the computer, and it takes 1 minute. So clever, and I just did my first one. I captured the screen with Snagit, which turns it right into a jpg. I scanned my real signature and saved it a file to paste on repeatedly, but Aileen uses a script font right from Paint. Chris uses a brush or pencil in Paint or Photoshop to sign. IT'S BRILLIANT!!!!


BTW--I wrote to MFI about their CPI's going from 1 page to 2 that have to be taped, but I got a form letter back. Meaning: they don't want to fix it.

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I usually just fiddle around with the margins to get it to 1 page, though very few of them show up as 2 pages any more anyway.
They stuck an info box on top which made it too long. All of mine have been 2 pages for a while, with long, long instructions.

But it is much faster this way. I keep the sig in my Clipmate program and just paste it on, but you can just stick on text from your editing program.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/22/2008 11:07PM by sneakers.
I always found it irritating that they had that bar code at the top of the form because I figured you couldn't mess with that, but by the time I got through with compression I doubt seriously a scanner could still properly record the info. smiling smiley
I've read that you can fold the center upward. They're only interested in the bar code and signature. They know what the middle says.
When I print the CPI, I go to preferences, page layout: 2 in 1, so 2 pages print in one page, that way always I sent one page, and if it print only one page, that is good because I don't have to resize the page when I upload it, some times the scan is too big and need to be resized.
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