I saw this on the Volition forum. This is faster than downloading the CPI, taping the 2 pages together, signing, then scanning back in:
Aileen, at Volition, captures the screen, opens it in Paint or any other image editor, puts a text signature on, then re-saves it. It never leaves the computer, and it takes 1 minute. So clever, and I just did my first one. I captured the screen with Snagit, which turns it right into a jpg. I scanned my real signature and saved it a file to paste on repeatedly, but Aileen uses a script font right from Paint. Chris uses a brush or pencil in Paint or Photoshop to sign. IT'S BRILLIANT!!!!
BTW--I wrote to MFI about their CPI's going from 1 page to 2 that have to be taped, but I got a form letter back. Meaning: they don't want to fix it.