Best Buy compliance audits

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amie068 Wrote:
> I have had to
> take a hiatus as I am nearly certain that a couple
> of associates must be onto me as a shopper as I
> have encountered them in the past and they are
> still wondering when or if I am every going to buy
> that TV or computer. LOL! smiling smiley

Yeah I have to do that at my local store. I have (unfortunately) been assigned the exact same scenario twice in a row, and had to reschedule the second shop twice because it was the same employees in both departments. I emailed my scheduler and explained I didn't feel comfortable doing it because I might get outed and they cancelled it for me at no penalty. I'll have to take a break from that particular store for a while smiling smiley

cooldude581 Wrote:
> amazon is eating their lunch... nuff said...

Unfortunately what happens is that people go to Best Buy to look at products, get help from a real live person and check out all they have. Then go back home and order it on Amazon to save $10... Keep that up, and soon they won't be able to see and touch the product before it arrives.
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