M Monty,
It's always struck me odd that on the one hand, mystery shopping is one of those industries where clear quality communication is so critical, and on the other the pay is so bad.
Since most of the time we are doing the job based on paperwork we review, the ms company needs to be absolutely clear about the instructions and what they are looking for.
Unfortunately, since humans are writing the documents, clarity is not always achieved. That leads to the difference between what they actually wanted and what we understood they wanted.
As you have now experienced, the two sides are not always on the same page. You can bring it to the attention of the ms company, as you did... and now your easy less than 15 minute, pays $5 shop has become a "deal" and you are into it thirty minutes... an hour... or more... and you fee has not gone up.
In addition, you can only press so hard with the ms company because they are in the power position and can cut you off from getting future shops.
All in all, kind of a screwed position to be in... but it is part of the way it is set up... and part of the reason so many people drift away from being a shopper.
Good luck with your current situation... continue to learn.
M Monty Wrote:
> Thank you qpone,
> I will definitely covet any and all encouragement
> I receive. I felt I found a treasure trove of
> information when I found this forum. I read for a
> couple of days before posting. I am glad I did,
> and I do not regret signing on. I want to do the
> best I can, and work hard. I guess I don't want
> to be one of those "one post newbies" who never
> return.
> I listened to many posts, and gleaned some very
> good advice from them. Today I had a very strange
> experience with a phone shop I did involving a new
> car dealership. I self-assigned the shop,
> downloaded the details, read the comments, printed
> the survey questions. It was simple; so I
> thought..
> I had to shop the newest type of vehicle on the
> lot which is a 2012, and evaluate the sales agent.
> The acceptance email I received from the MSC gave
> me the vehicle name, the guidelines gave me the
> vehicle name, the comments gave me the vehicle
> name, and the survey questions had references to
> the vehicle I was to shop. Six and one half
> minutes for the call, and less than seven minutes
> for the report. The five dollars I accepted for
> the shop was worth 13.5 minutes of work! It is
> not 50 cents a minute, but I'll live with 37
> cents.
> I received an email from the scheduler saying
> there was a "lot of confusion" about the type of
> vehicle I was to shop, and those details are very
> specific to the shop, regarding the type of
> vehicle. The scheduler mentioned I should review
> the acceptance email I got, and if I didn't have
> it look at the comments about the shop. I did
> look at the details after receiving the email from
> the scheduler, many, many times! I do not see
> where I shopped the wrong vehicle. The
> information about a different vehicle just isn't
> there! I even took the advice given in the
> guidelines about researching the vehicle at
> www.companynameusa.com (fake name of course). The
> absolute newest vehicle of the type I needed to
> shop will not be available until March 15, 2012
> according to the homepage of the company. In my
> opinion, that vehicle does not apply.
> I took a screen shot of the first page of the
> guidelines, the bottom of the second page, the
> acceptance email, the comment section, which all
> had the vehicle I shopped; and sent it all to the
> scheduler in my reply to her email. I am very
> curious as to the outcome of this whole
> experience.
> I said all that in my ramblings to say this:
> Thank you all for keeping me on point, and
> sticking to the facts and not the first response I
> personally felt. The best course of action, due
> to the forum, was to submit what I was looking at.
> Then let us determine where the confusion lies.
> I am not to proud to be wrong. I just need to
> know where I went wrong for future corrections to
> be made.
> Sincerely,
> M. Monty