qpone Wrote:
> What's always been amazing to me, Lisa, is that
> companies talk so much about customers service
> being the number one priority. Companies like
> Nordstrom and Ritz Carlton hotels have build
> brands based on customer service.
> Others say that customer service is number one,
> and then they pay such a small amount to have it
> evaluated.
Neiman Marcus requires a quality report. They do not offer a fee, but the lunch an evaluator is required to purchase is very expensive.
While a shopper can buy the same lunch in a diner for $30 less,the quality makes the same lunch (items) so much more enjoyable. Not to mention you get to live at a level way beyond your income level for about an hour and a half. When I get a taste of driving an Infiniti and eating lunch in a fine dining atmosphere it inspires me to make an effort to reach that income level in my other business.
I can tell rubbing elbows at a higher social level elevates me when I look at my effort and my figures a month or two down the road. $4 & $7 shops I do not believe would have the same effect on me. II I were forced to do $4 and $7 assignments knowing my expenses and time involved would have me working for a depressing compensation, I would feel dismal and hopeless.
I would sooner stay home with my head under the covers and feel sorry for myself than be taken advangage of by an MSC. I can not imagine anyone giving a quality report when the MSC thinks I am worth only $2 an hour after expenses. Remember you must include the time you put the assignment on your bookeeping system and travel to and from the location, fuel ($4 does not get you far, if you are doing multiple shops the expense is shared and averaged) and reporting it when you get home.
Some clients, like Neiman Marcus. want an evaluator to enjoy the shop and report accordingly. The servers and manager and other staff attend to you like you are a millionaire when you are in fact as they say in Texas, wearing a ten gallon hat and have no cattle but you act the part very well.
> I've never been able to square those two concepts
> in my mind.
> LisaSTL Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It would not be hard to figure out which
> companies
> > have that mentality, such as Market Force,
> > Trendsource, GFK, CORI and Second to None. The
> > reports for Market Force show how little they
> > think of their shoppers and how low their
> > expectations are since many are not much more
> > comprehensive than the survey on the back of
> > receipt. Luckily, not all companies fit that
> mold
> > and there are many which put a high value on
> their
> > shoppers. Those companies do not expect
> shoppers
> > to settle for minimum wage.
> >
> > qpone Wrote:
> > > As to your being paid fifty cents per
> minute...
> > > good luck with that. While some shops do pay
> > well
> > > (and fairly), as one MS employee told me
> once,
> > > they base pay on what would be considered
> > minimum
> > > wage. (It seems any more that "minimum wage"
> > would
> > > be an increase.)