txguitar Wrote:
> Hey all,
> First of all, I have completed hundreds of reports
> for several
> MS companies.I have been in the MS biz for almost
> 5 years and this is a first.
> I have been asked to redo reports before but never
> such a blatant "we will not
> accept your report".
> This was in my email today:
> We will not process your report for payment. You
> turned in a horrible report, and per the notes on
> the form itself, clearly states, The restaurant
> owner demands good quality reports which requires
> complete sentences! If you are unable to write a
> complete sentence, then maybe you should not be a
> mystery shopper.
> The owner also demands details in the report which
> means if something needs attention, then write
> about it. If somebody did something great, then
> tell us. DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS, we need
> quality information.
> Sounds like someone was having a bad day.I won't
> be doing anymore work
> for these guys.And they were paying a whole $5 for
> the job.I don't mind the
> criticism but at least give me a chance to redo or
> add to my report.
No offense to you because I don't know what your report was like, but that would have to have been an awful report for me to WANT to write something like that. I wouldn't though. I'd water it down with a list of things the reasons the report was rejected and apologize that we couldn't use it. But that would only be after you were given the chance to correct it first.