Are you certain, Avitoots, you have the right MSC? The dilatory behavior you describe does not sound like the Feedback Plus I know.
Feedback Plus are my favorite MSC. I did a shop for them in December in which I was supposed to mail in the validation. I forgot (Christmas holidays and all) for a week, but they still approved the reimbursement even before I mailed it, and I received payment for both fee and reimbursement three days after I remembered to send it! I've done other shops for them on a Friday, finished entering the report past midnight (technically Saturday), and still received payment by the following Wednesday.
Feedback Plus makes me wonder, why can't all MSCs pay so quickly? Answer: They COULD. They just don't.
I jump on every Feedback Plus email I get with both feet. They're my favorite. I've had no occasion yet for any post-shop follow-up, but I imagine it would be as reasonable and straightforward and downright pleasant as all my dealings with them have been. I really wish they had more and more and more shops in my town. And I'm watching the calendar to see when I can reassign myself that December shop.
"What does it mean? You ask. I answer not/For meaning, but myself must echo, What?/And tell it as I saw it, on the spot."