How can you just be "leary?" Your bullshit detector should be sounding off loudly and clearly!
Fauxgirl Wrote:
> I'm new to this so bear with me. I signed up to
> be a mystery shopper, and then received and e-mail
> from the Safe-Way Group to do a survey on Wal-Mart
> and Western Union. Today I received a Priority
> Mail envelope with a check for almost $2,000 in
> it, with instructions that are not on letterhead.
> The instructions say to respond to an e-mail
> address. I did, and I got the information today.
> They want me to go to Wal-Mart and spend about
> $30.00. Then they want me to go to Western Union
> and send about $1600 to the Phillippines. For
> this they will pay me about $300.00. I'm really
> leary of doing this. Any thoughts.