suzieboz Wrote:
> Hey:
> They mentioned it in I believe it was October
> (whatever the month was that everyone got paid
> late because of that Canadian nonsense of paying
> them the same way US shoppers got paid and I gave
> them hell about it because my mortgage wound up
> being late that month because we didn't get DD
> until the 17th or 18th). They could have just
> been blowing smoke but lesson learned from them.
> I'm sure anyone who was a "real employee" got paid
> on time that month.
I am Canadian and I still get my check in the mail because Direct Deposit cannot be applied to us even if they asked us to apply for Direct Deposit. So, we get our pay much later, when you consider the slow mail. I am still waiting for Direct Deposit otherwise, why do I have a copy of my voided check with them?
According to my log, they have a cheque dated Feb.3rd. I have not seen a shadow of it.