Does Market Force think we're stupid?

Someone earlier mentioned being "dumped." I just wanted to say that I was dumped around the 500 shop mark (maybe I shouldn't have done all those pizza phone shops). Meanwhile my mother was dumped after 1 shop and my husband after 30. So I was wondering if it was because we were related? Of course, MF wouldn't tell me why.

We also got removed from the merchandising portals too.

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jersey07032 Wrote:
> So if I find out my second cousins daughter worked
> at just say Burger King or McDonalds they would
> legally prosecute me? ROTFL
> shopper_in_cali Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Oh yes and Market Force has some silly scare
> > tactics. For this particular Chinese fast food
> > restaurant you have to take a photo. In the
> > screening questions it says that if the photos
> are
> > not acceptable you will be deactivated. ROFL.
> >
> > Another one is if you know someone who has
> worked
> > for a client of theirs (the biggest fast food
> > chain in the world) for the last 5 years, you
> > can't do the shop. But get this if they find
> out
> > you are lying, they will terminate you and
> legally
> > prosecute you. Wow. Sheesh

That is a crazy requirement. I am a member of a number of organizations. Sometimes I meet their families in some functions. How do I know where their kids have their summer jobs? You mean I am legally responsible for this information? Gosh!
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