good2go Wrote:
> Thank you Cynb, for describing Second to None as
> untrustworthy. When a contractor invests time and
> money in a project and then is not paid because
> she took photos from the point where the company's
> instructions said to take the photos instead of
> from the vantagepoint she thought would be best,
> then that company is, as you said,
> "untrustworthy."
> No, they paid absolutely nothing. Second to None
> broke their contract with me. I am legally
> entitled to be paid for work and expenses because
> I performed the shop as agreed, according with the
> company's instructions. However, the cost of
> enforcing commercial laws on untrustworthy
> companies exceeds the recompense, as these
> companies know. That is why they shift the cost
> of their mistake onto the contractors.
> This messageboard, as I understand it, is supposed
> to inform contractors when deciding which
> companies they will work with. It helps others
> when we share our experience and conclusions. I
> am glad to hear that Second to None treated Cynb
> well. This information helps other contractors
> make better decisions.
> By the way, I could read the menuboard on the
> photos. I don't know why Second to None couldn't.
> The photos were not the best but they weren't that
> bad. Yes, I made a mistake in trusting Second to
> None to pay as agreed for work performed in
> accordance with their guidelines. No, I won't
> trust them again, not even for the price of a cup
> of coffee. And all this information didn't cost
> you anything.
OK what I meant is that for your own profit as a shopper, do not necessarily cut off a good source of income because you occasionally get a rejected shop. I have had some rejected from them, but if had cut them off, I would have lost hundreds of $ in good shops.However, just giving you my opinion and my advice. I know how annoying it is to get rejected, but you might be doing yourself a disservice. They can always get different shoppers, but you might not be able to get as many new shops. Know what I mean jellybean?