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Arch Stanton Wrote:
> Flash Rules...

I second that. Yes, thank you Flash. You are awesome!
I concur.


"What does it mean? You ask. I answer not/For meaning, but myself must echo, What?/And tell it as I saw it, on the spot."
Yeah, I gotta say the info you share is a wealth of knowledge.

Thank you so very much, us newbies especially appreciate it!
Yes please. If you didn't speak so eloquently I'd have a image of a trench coat in a seedy alley!

~~*~~*~~*~~ kal ~~*~~*~~*~~
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just forget to load the film.
Yes, Flash. Thank you for your helpful posts. If I could, I would give you a hero citation winking smiley
Phoebe70 Wrote:
> Yes, Flash. Thank you for your helpful posts. If
> I could, I would give you a hero citation winking smiley

As I would. But I would give you the kind that mean something. smiling smiley

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
I especially appreciate the words of encouragement from Flash and the others who have given me advice. They mean so much to a newcomer.
llrose Wrote:
> I especially appreciate the words of encouragement
> from Flash and the others who have given me
> advice. They mean so much to a newcomer.

Thank you llrose! This thread has been personally somewhat embarrassing because there are sooo many people here who systematically post to help others! I would list them but 1) the list would be long and 2) inevitably I would overlook someone whose feelings might be hurt. This is a group of people helping each other and themselves!
When I see myself puzzled.....I always ask myself....


Then I immediately feel the gears turning inside my brain....and an answer comes!

Figure out the damned puzzle!
Yeah, I can honestly say that a lot of what I've learned (by being a lurking lurker who lurks) is from Flash. I really appreciate your well reasoned logic, the fact that you take the time to explain things in detail so it's understandable, and that many times you look at a situation with a "cooler heads will prevail" kind of attitude. That's an area that does not always play to my strengths, so I appreciate that! =))
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