Banking Shops

Does anyone know of a reputable and dependable MSC who offers Banking including Tax shops, apart from Marketforce?

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sportofficial Wrote:
> Does anyone know of a reputable and dependable MSC
> who offers Banking including Tax shops, apart from
> Marketforce?

I know there are some Tax shops on right now. You should see if any are in your area.

Alex Eding
Shopmetrics, Inc.
Never shopped for Informa but Sinclair are a serious company too. I 'll give them a try soon. Thanks Irene.

I'll also check the msjobboard Alex! Thanks!
Pinnacle is a great company to work for they have lots of shops, the pay is good and the surveys are easy. The schedulers are a dream. They keep me very busy!
I shop for Informa (haven't had much here, lately) Sinclair and Pinnacle. All good companies. Bare also has bank shops--not close by but worthy of a route, for me. And Harland Clark does CUs. I am signed up with Ath but have never done one of their bank shops. I stay away from the tax shops. I think they are really refund loan shops (not sure) and I am not interested. Also, for all the shops I have seen, you must be getting a refund of at least 2K. I had my taxes done today by my CPA and my refund is a little under $1200. If I had done a tax shop, I would have been SOL. No thanks.
Also try KSS/Kern Scheduling and Ath Power.

H.A.R.D. at work

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2012 02:05AM by HaveARayDay.
Maritz and Research Services Group (RSG) offer bank shops and I have done over 20 of them and they are good. RSG pays better.



Also Sales Quality Group offers bank shops that pay $70 to $100.

Their website is: []

Hope this helps!
truflie888 Please remove the name of the bank or the MSC. You can put one but not the other. To put both violates your ICs.
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