E-Demand Solutions

I have applied to several new MS companies recently and can't remember where I got this name from but am concerned about sending the information they are requesting. They want not only my Soc Sec # but all the information on my bank account as they on pay by direct deposit. Does anyone know anything about the company - E-DemandSolutions? The web address shows [bovairdcapital.com]. I don't mind sending the information as long as I know they are legitemate. Thanks for any information on them.

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I've never heard from them. Did you find them on a legitimate list of companies? The only legitimate lists I am comfortable suggesting to anyone are the one here with a link at the bottom of each forum page to 'Official List of Mystery Shopping Companies', the list at Volition.com and the link at the MSPA website. If this was something you found on Craig's List or one of the job sites such as Indeed.com or Beyond.com, do not trust it to be real. From time to time a few really questionable 'companies' post to our job board here, so give them at least 24 hours while the admin checks them out and takes out the garbage.
if flash doesnt know them dont trust em..

nuff said *grin*

besides most companies i signed up for allow you to shop first and then once you have completed the shop then you can give them your info so they can pay you... its a bad sign if they email you first and ask for all your info up front... most companies just post this in their payment guidelines and dont email newbies right away...

shopping north west PA and south west ny
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