When does CORI send out their 1099 tax forms? 2011 was my first year working for them and I haven't received a 1099 yet. I am sure I made more than $600 in 2011.
1099s are SUPPOSED to be in the recipient's hands by 1/31. They may be 'corrected' after that and reissued. I am expecting a bunch from different companies and just received my first one today.
So my first one is "wrong" by $400+ until I realize 1) mileage reimbursement is treated as a 'bonus' by this company and 2) It includes all 2011 income + a payment from 2010 that fell 'in the cracks' at the company. Once I make these adjustments, the 1099 is off by $4.92. I am NOT going to lose sleep over it!
"Finally, whatever things are good, true, noble, lovely, of good report...if there be any virtue, if there be any praise...think on these things." ....It's a command, not a suggestion!