Theme Parks. Family Entertaining

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There is a client that shops six flags, water-parks, Detroit Zoo,Hersey them park, Pa., B'nore nuesums, NYC, and the Boston museum.
I did a zoo shop & I would never do it again. The form was probably 20-30 pages long with very long narratives. I'm not sure if it's the same company, but just make sure you know what you're getting into.
Wow. I did a zoo shop where I had to evaluate the food service at 4 different kiosks...but only 2 were open. Paid for my ticket and most of food. Since babies are free, my twins went with me. Report wasnt that long...thank goodness.
Glad to read it wasn't just me that thought the zoo shop was ridiculous. I will never do another one. On restaurant, 4 kiosks for a lousy $10. No thank you!
gigishopper Wrote:
> Glad to read it wasn't just me that thought the
> zoo shop was ridiculous. I will never do another
> one. On restaurant, 4 kiosks for a lousy $10. No
> thank you!

Wow... Was the $10 included with any reimbursement?
One of the great ironies of MSing. We're not supposed to share the MSP and client names in the same breath. Yet Google it and you'll find it advertised on the company's home page. LOL

I know Spies in Disguise used to do some also. Not necessarily for Disney. Just theme parks. I'm in Western New York so I don't pay much attention to what's offered in Florida.
Yes, there were reimbursements, but I am a zoo member and the zoo food is lousy. The reimbursements are no incentive for me on this particular shop.
I did a zoo shop in Los Angeles (maybe a different company?) and enjoyed it. The food was actually pretty good and since i took my two grown kids who get suddenly hungry the minute they leave home and have to eat at a restaurant on my dime, they enjoyed the eating out part. The one problem I find is DO NOT GO ON a BUSY took me an hour waiting in line just to get in. By the time I got around to everywhere they were about to close. I had a twofer for the kids entry and came away with extra money left over and a nice fedora for my daughter. Definitely try to arrive by 10 AM.
I have not checked Florida but they have venues all over the country.
I did a museum in the large New England city in MA and we spent 3 hours there, and it took 4 hours to fill out the paperwork in between episodes of Boardwalk Empire. Reimbursement of all expenses plus $50 for the paperwork. Got 2 postcards out of the deal from the gift shop. Gave me a 10.
I actually enjoy doing the amusement and attraction shops. Shoppers Critique offers them as well as Amusement Advantage and Bare. Even if there is little to no pay, I get to go to places I probably wouldn't go to if I wasn't shopping them.
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