Mystery Shop Company Clients

It seems more than ever that mystery shopping companies are concentrating on undercutting each other and stealing clients rather than developing new clients. The result is that the mystery shopper is forced to do the same or more for less compensation. There are a lot of companies that are not being shopped at all. Why not try to get some of them as clients instead of raiding each other?

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This has been a problem of long duration. If my understanding is correct, the establishment of the MSPA was to try to get companies to behave ethically towards each other. The problem still persists. It is a tough market out there and it is even tougher for shoppers. Client development is a people and product set of skills and judging from the people and product skills we see in the shops and with the company representatives we complain about so much here, it does not appear that many companies have what it takes to develop clients.
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