Oh I love their Bar Integrity shops Lisa!
Not sure which scheduler you work with, Matt is mine. He's excellent. There doesn't seem to be anyone else in this area who does these, so I normally get the two locations a couple of times a month, different meals, different days. The problem is the last time I was in there it was a Sunday - and the dang bar was EMPTY. The manager recognized my husband and me, and started talking to us.
They had a last minute "Help!" on the location I just did a week ago so I'll be going there this Friday night. I am HOPING I don't get recognized by the bartender, and it's a different one too. I've not been there on a Friday night at all.
My scheduler emails me, "If you normally go casual, dress up. If you wear your hair down, pull it up, don't bring attention to yourself, etc!" I really appreciated he was looking out so I don't get spotted! I wrote back and told him, "Normally I dress up, I'll bring out the t-shirt & jeans, wear my glasses since I never do, and use that bottle of hair color that's been sitting in my cupboard for a month or more!" He had to laugh, but I'm so glad he is looking out to help make sure I don't get spotted!
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Proud To Be A Soldier's Mom