Marketforce question on negotiated set of nearly-due assignments

Not a complaint, but a question about weird scheduler behavior for one of my favorite self-assign companies:

Marketforce sent an email out offering a $3 bonus if you could do several or more shops in the next few days. For more shops, they said, you can negotiate a rate. So I suggested doing 5 of these shops for $5 bonus each, to accommodate my travel fees. (Quick bonuses like these eat a $7 office supply shop alive).

Anyways, Marketforce assigns me the first shop on my list, with the $5 bonus, then never replies to my email and does not award the next 4 shops that I requested. Awarding a $5 bonus for doing one shop wouldn't make any sense. After two email follow-ups they replied once and said they forwarded my request to the appropriate people who would consider the offer. I thought they already did?

Weird behavior! And those shops that were unassigned to me are still available. What's going on? I can only guess that the scheduler thought I meant $5 bonus for all of the shops combined (not each), awarded the first, then realized the mistake and decided not to award them. Anything else?

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Are you talking about Market Force Purple Portal? Sounds like them. They have a weird style. I've learned my lesson with them. Document everything. Ask them to email in detail what you have discussed or confirm your agreement by detailing your agreement in an email. The Message Board is unreliable . Based on their history, I doubt you will get the rest.
It's just them trying to weasle out of paying you. Shaft the Shopper should be their nom de plume.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
Cettie Wrote:
> Shaft the Shopper should be their nom de plume.

They say this cat Shaft is one bad shopper
Shut yo mouth
I'm talking about Shaft the Shopper
We can dig it

He's a complicate shopper
No one understands him but his scheduler

Triple Platinum Certified - Shopping South Central Kansas
With any company you are negotiating bonuses with in writing, read your email at least 3 times and preferably have someone else read it as well before you send it. Take it to Mickey Mouse levels of simplicity so that even the quickest glance cannot mistake your intent.

"I note that you have 5 ABC locations that need to be done by 1/1/11.

I would be able to do these in a single route if you can allow me to do 5 in the same day. If assigned all 5 for the same day, each shop would require a $X bonus added to the offered fee of $Y.

If you can only allow me to do 4 shops in the same day, each shop would require a $W bonus added to the offered fee of $Y.

I am not interested in doing less than 4 of these shops in the same day as the mileage involved would make them uneconomical."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2012 05:38PM by Flash.
I see a lot of copy and paste in the future of that postsmiling smiley

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