AlwaysAngie Wrote:
> Maybe she was having a bad day and took it out on
> you? Maybe she has an issue with communicating
> properly. It can be difficult to decipher tone in
> emails and they can come off ruder than it's meant
> to sound. Then again, it could be as Hudge95
> stated and she just doesn't have the best
> personality. It'll bite her in the rear when
> shoppers get tired of attitude and won't offer to
> help her out at the end of the month.
> I know my limits and I don't like depending on
> others. I'd make a terrible scheduler and I'd
> probably be irritable from dealing with those who
> keep flaking. I can get moody enough editing
> terrible reports, so that's a good thing I'm not a
> scheduler. LOL
I almost always give schedulers a benefit of a doubbt... Meaning if I get one really terse reply, I will write it off as the person having a bad day. (I usually would reply back that I apologize and that we must have had a misunderstanding.) If I continue to have problems with the scheduler, I would write a letter to the MSC with copies of the emails and,again, be tactful and truthful.
I did this procedure with Confero and, today, no longer do business with them. There are dozens of other companies that I can do business with..(I used to like its oil changes, but I have found other MSC's that do oil changes.)