Fannie Mae shops??

I just received an email about these but no details even when I logged in to my msc account. Anybody ever do these? They pay $7. Thanks!

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I did some last year and the report was easy. The requirement was to purchase candy from the behind the counter. I don't know if the MSC has changed this year.
Oops...I know the ones you are talking about. I have not done any because it sounded like of work. Run a search on "non-realtor" to find a thread on it.
Sand -

YES! They are a LOT of work, and they DO take up a lot of time. You MUST commit yourself to taking the time to print everything out, answer phone calls, fill out the form (which is very confusing due to times).

Here's a post I sent to someone else when this was discussed on the forum about 2 months ago:


Yup! *waves hand* I've been doing them since October when it's time for the "non-realty" portion.

The biggest drawback is NOT having callbacks! Some agencies I've tried over and over, give them longer than the 24 hours to call back - and I get NUTTIN'! I'm in the middle of another set right now. I emailed Friday morning (to the East Coast). I received ONE callback within 2 hours - I've gotten no emails from the remaining agencies. Monday morning I have to make 3 attempts to contact the agencies.

Now - you get assigned somewhere between 10 & 15 shops. If you have a duplicate agency, you move on to the next one on the list. It does NOT mean you are going to definitely have a full "10" shops/reports to submit for $70.00. For example - last round, I got 15 assigned. Five of those were duplicates, I did not do them. Two of the shops were non-responders, and I didn't have my 3 calls in (I left messages, spoke to a non-agent, gave her information, etc - but never got called back in the allotted time for the Shop Job. So out of the 15 I was originally assigned, I lost 7 of them.

The report is HARD - for the first round you do. The first time you do all of your reports for these jobs - well, you'll question why. You have to submit "PART ONE" as soon as you send your initial email. I have three browser windows open:

(1) open up the house-for-sale link, print it out so I have a hard copy to take notes on (you need to keep the window open for the Part One of the survey/report)

(2) My Email Program (I have my initial email in notepad to copy & paste for all surveys)

(3) My Job Page with the MSC and the "Submit Survey" open in a different tab so I can fill out "part 1".

Fill out the first part of the survey, then sit back and wait for your 24 hours for return phone calls & emails. Also, you have to save all emails because they get pasted (with headers) into the report if necessary.

I actually enjoy these tremendously! Now that I have a system down for doing these jobs - it actually goes smoothly. I'm just surprised at the lack of responses I've received from my 9 agencies this time around. (I had 11 assigned, two were duplicates)

Hope this helps!

PS: I have to say, the scheduler that I have for this project is absolutely amazing! She is one of the nicest gals/schedulers I've talked to on the phone. I keep 100% in touch with her throughout and keep her updated on callbacks from agencies; sending her a list of my duplicate agencies right from the start, etc...

~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~

Proud To Be A Soldier's Mom

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2012 05:47PM by klhofbauer.
sbrahma Wrote:
> Sounds a bit too much for $7.

OP might be talking about the candy shop...I have done those exact shops once a year around this time for $7.00.

I would think the realty ones pay more.

When I log into the site it does not give instructions for these mortgage shops. It just says "$7.00 pay and no restrictions." Does anyone else see instructions?

@Sun&Fun - I had posted the work that goes into them.

As far as "No Restrictions" could be that the shops are not requiring Realtors. Some of these are designated "Realtors Only" and others are the "Non-Realtors". Also, it doesn't matter if you have done these before, you don't have to "wait 30/60/90 Days Rotation". Phone calls are not recorded too - could be another of the "no restrictions".

Like I posted above how I approach these - it IS a lot of work for $7.00. I love doing them though, especially now because I have a system down.

~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~

Proud To Be A Soldier's Mom

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2012 12:44PM by klhofbauer.
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