Sand -
YES! They are a LOT of work, and they DO take up a lot of time. You MUST commit yourself to taking the time to print everything out, answer phone calls, fill out the form (which is very confusing due to times).
Here's a post I sent to someone else when this was discussed on the forum about 2 months ago:
Yup! *waves hand* I've been doing them since October when it's time for the "non-realty" portion.
The biggest drawback is NOT having callbacks! Some agencies I've tried over and over, give them longer than the 24 hours to call back - and I get NUTTIN'! I'm in the middle of another set right now. I emailed Friday morning (to the East Coast). I received ONE callback within 2 hours - I've gotten no emails from the remaining agencies. Monday morning I have to make 3 attempts to contact the agencies.
Now - you get assigned somewhere between 10 & 15 shops. If you have a duplicate agency, you move on to the next one on the list. It does NOT mean you are going to definitely have a full "10" shops/reports to submit for $70.00. For example - last round, I got 15 assigned. Five of those were duplicates, I did not do them. Two of the shops were non-responders, and I didn't have my 3 calls in (I left messages, spoke to a non-agent, gave her information, etc - but never got called back in the allotted time for the Shop Job. So out of the 15 I was originally assigned, I lost 7 of them.
The report is HARD - for the first round you do. The first time you do all of your reports for these jobs - well, you'll question why. You have to submit "PART ONE" as soon as you send your initial email. I have three browser windows open:
(1) open up the house-for-sale link, print it out so I have a hard copy to take notes on (you need to keep the window open for the Part One of the survey/report)
(2) My Email Program (I have my initial email in notepad to copy & paste for all surveys)
(3) My Job Page with the MSC and the "Submit Survey" open in a different tab so I can fill out "part 1".
Fill out the first part of the survey, then sit back and wait for your 24 hours for return phone calls & emails. Also, you have to save all emails because they get pasted (with headers) into the report if necessary.
I actually enjoy these tremendously! Now that I have a system down for doing these jobs - it actually goes smoothly. I'm just surprised at the lack of responses I've received from my 9 agencies this time around. (I had 11 assigned, two were duplicates)
Hope this helps!
PS: I have to say, the scheduler that I have for this project is absolutely amazing! She is one of the nicest gals/schedulers I've talked to on the phone. I keep 100% in touch with her throughout and keep her updated on callbacks from agencies; sending her a list of my duplicate agencies right from the start, etc...
~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~
Proud To Be A Soldier's Mom
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2012 05:47PM by klhofbauer.