Do the Mystery Shop companies know we are talking about them?

I would like to speak for one of the companies as I am the Director of the Mystery Shopping Division for Baird Group. I do take a look at forums when I have time and definitely respond if our name is included. However, I really want to be aware of what is going through the minds of shoppers so that I don't become too far removed from their perspective. We have certainly had some shoppers that were not happy with us at certain points but I always go out of our way to be as fair and professional as possible. Shoppers work very hard typically but not everyone is a good fit for every company. We do medical only and it can be tough to meet all the requirements, but we treat our shoppers very well and most of them jump through hoops resulting in further shops and bonuses.

I do want to share that while I respect that this is a place that shoppers feel they can vent and get feedback, it is important that you still conduct yourself professionally as I have seen several shoppers agree with. MSC's certainly make mistakes and often the the guidelines set are not negotiable which is why some shops are just not a perfect fit for all shoppers. I will say that I think it is important for shoppers to maintain their professionalism at all times and the companies and their employees should do the same. Mutual respect is the most important thing. I can't speak for other companies but I will say that we are listening....

Stacy Wagner
Director, Mystery Shopping Division
Baird Group

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StacyW Wrote:
> I would like to speak for one of the companies as
> I am the Director of the Mystery Shopping Division
> for Baird Group. I do take a look at forums when
> I have time and definitely respond if our name is
> included. However, I really want to be aware of
> what is going through the minds of shoppers so
> that I don't become too far removed from their
> perspective. We have certainly had some shoppers
> that were not happy with us at certain points but
> I always go out of our way to be as fair and
> professional as possible. Shoppers work very hard
> typically but not everyone is a good fit for every
> company. We do medical only and it can be tough
> to meet all the requirements, but we treat our
> shoppers very well and most of them jump through
> hoops resulting in further shops and bonuses.
> I do want to share that while I respect that this
> is a place that shoppers feel they can vent and
> get feedback, it is important that you still
> conduct yourself professionally as I have seen
> several shoppers agree with. MSC's certainly make
> mistakes and often the the guidelines set are not
> negotiable which is why some shops are just not a
> perfect fit for all shoppers. I will say that I
> think it is important for shoppers to maintain
> their professionalism at all times and the
> companies and their employees should do the same.
> Mutual respect is the most important thing. I
> can't speak for other companies but I will say
> that we are listening....


Since Mystery Shoppers are Independent Contractors, you do not have the right to
insist or advise them how they should behave in writing on this forum or any other whether they are venting or complaining or complimenting when they are on their private time and not functioning as fulfilling a contract for you or any of the other eavesdropping corporate employees. If you wish to insist on such advice on behavior it appears to me that you cross the line into employer and thus could be liable to pay minimum wage.

Just offering some advice on the behavior of officials of some corporations who wish to eavesdrop. It would be wiser to eavesdrop without giving instruction to those who are not "employees".
shoppinalong Wrote:

> Since Mystery Shoppers are Independent
> Contractors, you do not have the right to
> insist or advise them how they should behave in
> writing on this forum or any other whether they
> are venting or complaining or complimenting when
> they are on their private time and not functioning
> as fulfilling a contract for you or any of the
> other eavesdropping corporate employees. If you
> wish to insist on such advice on behavior it
> appears to me that you cross the line into
> employer and thus could be liable to pay minimum
> wage.
> Just offering some advice on the behavior of
> officials of some corporations who wish to
> eavesdrop. It would be wiser to eavesdrop without
> giving instruction to those who are not
> "employees".

I didn't take it like that at all. I read her comments as common sense from the perspective of a MSC. There’s a difference between issuing a directive as an employer, as you say she did, and simply reminding people that it's usually better if one doesn't burn bridges. The point is, MSC's do read forums.
TechSavvy Wrote:
> I didn't take it like that at all. I read her
> comments as common sense from the perspective of a
> MSC. There’s a difference between issuing a
> directive as an employer, as you say she did, and
> simply reminding people that it's usually better
> if one doesn't burn bridges. The point is, MSC's
> do read forums.

The undercurrent of each of the corporate advisers, and this last one makes three on this thread,is an effort to squelch complaints about companies, especially potentially their companies. There are several ways to read what is written. Read what is written, read what is implied, read what is not written. This is not facebook where people who are employees are fired when their employers read the complaints of their employees. The people posting here for the most part are independent contractors. Advice given by officials of mystery shopping companies to behave in what in their purview is "a professional manner" while on these boards could even be taken as a threat of reprisal. Such corporate postings are improper. It is one thing to understand why some shoppers are dissatisfied and explain why forthe safety of the wallets and purses of other shoppers they have de-activated their status with certain companies; it is quite another thing for a representative of a mystery company to attempt to intimidate posters into "professional" silence.

Quite a few shoppers are advising they have de-activated their accounts from
Mystery Shopping Companies behaving badly, and have every right to do so. That isn't burning bridges. It's helpful and wisdom. There's an old saying "fool me once....." Further there is advice by shoppers about whom to report the non-payments to such as the Better Business Bureau, the attorney generals of the States the company is doing business in,"ripoff reports online",and the format of letters which should be written and so on. I'm sure it's much appreciated by the shoppers who have laid out of their own pockets $125.00 and more upon the written word of companies that they will re-imburse those amounts plus more and then don't. Many shoppers can ill afford layouts of such cash in these hard economic times. Yes, It's fine for MSC's to read the forums and learn and perhaps pass on why shoppers are leaving companies. It is not fine, from the shopper's point of view, for them to "instruct" what should be written by a shopper on these forums and what should not be, and how it should be written.

But everyone is entitled to their opinion TechSavvy. As they say, that's what makes horse races.
AlwaysAngie Wrote:
> One thing to remember is although this forum is
> for shoppers, it's still a business forum and you
> should conduct yourself professionally when
> complaining about a company. You might not care
> about working for Company A ever again but Company
> B owner might not believe you handled yourself
> appropriately because they risk their credibility
> with the clients if something happens. If your
> reaction is over the top, company owners might not
> want to risk dealing with someone who behaves
> inappropriately. You could end up losing your
> ability to work for a company you do love by
> throwing a "tantrum" online.
> The same holds true for private correspondence.
> Just as shoppers discuss companies, companies
> discuss terrible shoppers. Schedulers help one
> another out when they're looking for shoppers in
> areas they don't have any. So if a shopper acts in
> a nasty manner or repeatedly flakes on shops, they
> may find themselves out of opportunties from
> companies they want to work with. Likewise, if
> there's a shopper who's been great to work with,
> that shopper can find themselves getting more work
> than before with companies they're signed up with
> or invites to join a company they're not with.

Enough said. I think the above affirms my previous post.

Is this a business forum? According to officials of Mystery Shopping Companies it is.

But nowhere does it say this is a business forum. Apparently it was started by a private party whose financial interests involve mystery shopping as a chat forum. If Jacob says otherwise I would stand corrected. However from what I have gleaned it is a place for those with the common interest of shopping to chat and compare notes on their experiences.
It's great to have a place to go where mystery shoppers can inform other mystery shoppers of " bad experiences." I think it is important that as a group we support each other. I do know from personal experience that companies read the forums and occasionally use it to get information about other company practices. I just learned this and felt "used." I was offered an editing job from a company that saw one of my posts regarding a different company. As it turned out, it was just a way to get information about another company.
THREE OPINIONS concerning the above posts:

1-Stacy submitted, for our consideration, a well constructed, succinct and informative 2 paragraphs of guidance.

2-SHOPPIN', although I disagree with his interpretations of Stacy's post, certainly presented his/her opinion in a convincing fashion.

3-Tech's response brought a degree of common sense to the situation.

Bob's opinion----Stacy was merely responding to the title of this thread, and, while so doing, offer a bit of counsel.

I'm neither an employee of nor a shopper for this MSC.
cathi1954 Wrote:
> They absolutely do know. In fact, I was cautioned
> by About Face because they did not like my thread
> regarding one of their shops. I told a shopper to
> be careful what she wished for because the shops
> are not what they seem. This was in regards to a
> cosmetic shop.

That cosmetics shop left me with the worst eye infection I have ever had in my life, requiring, I think, 3 different dr's visits, and 3 different prescriptions. I truly thought I might lose my sight.
In regards to my post, Shoppinalong Wrote:
> Enough said. I think the above affirms my
> previous post.
> Is this a business forum? According to officials
> of Mystery Shopping Companies it is.
> But nowhere does it say this is a business forum.
> Apparently it was started by a private party whose
> financial interests involve mystery shopping as a
> chat forum. If Jacob says otherwise I would stand
> corrected. However from what I have gleaned it is
> a place for those with the common interest of
> shopping to chat and compare notes on their
> experiences.

ROFLMAO! You consider MY post "a representative of a mystery company to attempt to intimidate posters into 'professional' silence." LOL! You think I'm part of "Big Brother MS"? That is a RIOT! smiling smiley Honey, if I'm going to be devious, I'm not going to veil it but be upfront and in your face about it. That's just my nature. Thanks for the smile, though. smiling smiley

What I posted is common sense since this *public* forum is business-*related*. (Sorry, I didn't mean to inspire a semantics debate about the purpose of this forum). There's a reason why my user ID is AlwaysAngie. I'm sure those I edit for are ever so grateful that I leave them out of things. LOL My opinions are mine and my posts are no different than any other shopper's. Only on one thread did I represent the company and I identified myself as such. From that thread, I have a few with whom I chat with privately. They're the *same* people who expressed concern or didn't like the MSP's changes--OMG, you're right! I AM out to intimidate shoppers into professional silence, through my chatty ways. winking smiley

There will never be a black and white divide between shoppers and MSPs. (Gasp!) Many work both sides of the fence and a large number on the MSP-only side started out as shoppers. That means any shopper could jump to the MSP side at any moment! I suppose by your estimation since I'm an editor but also a shopper, I should just shut my mouth in all concerns when shoppers ask about the MSP side of things? Not gonna happen. Why should I when maybe I can provide a different perspective for others to consider?

My point was simply that while everyone has the right to express their opinions, societal norms dictate it should be done respectfully, even though it's not always followed. I get that emotions get in the way sometimes. Lord knows I've been guilty of losing my temper and/or sticking my foot in my mouth...once or twice. winking smiley If I lose it and run my mouth--fair or not--*I* have to suck up the consequences. That's common sense, regardless of whether it's work-related or everyday life.

I fought against silencing shoppers in a long, public battle with Lorri Kern, owner of KSS, despite her reputation for being vindictive. Maybe even because of it as I do not tolerate intimidation tactics. So she celebrated one New Year's Day by secretly deactivating me with all the companies she scheduled for if I was registered with them. Her reasons were not business-related or professional, but personal. For me, standing against her attempts to silence truthful posts was more important so I refused to shut my mouth, despite her frustrated attempts. So your assumption that I want to silence shoppers is humorous as it's way off the mark.

But I get it. There is a level of distrust for MSPs, some rightfully so, some maybe not. Even though I heartily disagree with your Big Brother MS asssessment of StacyW and I, I do appreciate that you presented your argument in a well-written, respectful manner. smiling smiley Even still, I couldn't resist being a smart ass (ahhh, again my nature!) because it was entertaining.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/09/2012 03:09AM by AlwaysAngie.
shoppinalong Wrote:
> AlwaysAngie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > One thing to remember is although this forum is
> > for shoppers, it's still a business forum and
> you
> > should conduct yourself professionally when
> > complaining about a company. You might not care
> > about working for Company A ever again but
> Company
> > B owner might not believe you handled yourself
> > appropriately because they risk their
> credibility
> > with the clients if something happens. If your
> > reaction is over the top, company owners might
> not
> > want to risk dealing with someone who behaves
> > inappropriately. You could end up losing your
> > ability to work for a company you do love by
> > throwing a "tantrum" online.
> >
> > The same holds true for private correspondence.
> > Just as shoppers discuss companies, companies
> > discuss terrible shoppers. Schedulers help one
> > another out when they're looking for shoppers
> in
> > areas they don't have any. So if a shopper acts
> in
> > a nasty manner or repeatedly flakes on shops,
> they
> > may find themselves out of opportunties from
> > companies they want to work with. Likewise, if
> > there's a shopper who's been great to work
> with,
> > that shopper can find themselves getting more
> work
> > than before with companies they're signed up
> with
> > or invites to join a company they're not with.
> Enough said. I think the above affirms my
> previous post.
> Is this a business forum? According to officials
> of Mystery Shopping Companies it is.
> But nowhere does it say this is a business forum.
> Apparently it was started by a private party whose
> financial interests involve mystery shopping as a
> chat forum. If Jacob says otherwise I would stand
> corrected. However from what I have gleaned it is
> a place for those with the common interest of
> shopping to chat and compare notes on their
> experiences.

ITA. There are few places shoppers can go and have an outlet, share information and learn business practices from each other since the nature of this business is privacy and secrecy. For companies to come on here and issue "cautions" is unsettling to say the least.
frodosdojo Wrote:
> ITA. There are few places shoppers can go and have
> an outlet, share information and learn business
> practices from each other since the nature of this
> business is privacy and secrecy. For companies to
> come on here and issue "cautions" is unsettling to
> say the least.

I would suggest you read my response to Shopinalong before you start passing judgment on my intentions since you're both obviously clueless to them. I'm also a shopper so I'm entitled to be here, too. And I've rarely represented the company and stated so when I did. So sorry if I've offended by offering MSP-knowledgeable opinions to give YOU and other shoppers an "inside look". But hey, please jump to conclusions. Ignorance is bliss.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/10/2012 10:10AM by AlwaysAngie.
Yes! I have seen schedulers post on this site. This has been an issue for me when I see shoppers slamming companies, providing names and situations of actual shops. We are expected to keep all our information strictly confidential! But I can see from this site a lot of shoppers break that rule. I realize that this site is seen as an opportunity to vent and can be done so without relaying names and revealing exact info. I have shopped 3000+ shops and have had my day with some shops and in some cases schedulers and companies but would never reveal inappropriate info. even to my family. (I discuss some things but always in a lose manner.)

Jackson gosh_gee_golly Wrote:
> I just wonder if they react to what is being said
> about them on this web site.
> Do they offer better service to their shoppers
> after we evaluate them on this site?
> One I noticed has gotten a little friendlier in
> promoting that we should do work for them.
shoppinalong Wrote:
> StacyW Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I would like to speak for one of the companies
> as
> > I am the Director of the Mystery Shopping
> Division
> > for Baird Group. I do take a look at forums
> when
> > I have time and definitely respond if our name
> is
> > included. However, I really want to be aware
> of
> > what is going through the minds of shoppers so
> > that I don't become too far removed from their
> > perspective. We have certainly had some
> shoppers
> > that were not happy with us at certain points
> but
> > I always go out of our way to be as fair and
> > professional as possible. Shoppers work very
> hard
> > typically but not everyone is a good fit for
> every
> > company. We do medical only and it can be
> tough
> > to meet all the requirements, but we treat our
> > shoppers very well and most of them jump
> through
> > hoops resulting in further shops and bonuses.
> >
> > I do want to share that while I respect that
> this
> > is a place that shoppers feel they can vent and
> > get feedback, it is important that you still
> > conduct yourself professionally as I have seen
> > several shoppers agree with. MSC's certainly
> make
> > mistakes and often the the guidelines set are
> not
> > negotiable which is why some shops are just not
> a
> > perfect fit for all shoppers. I will say that
> I
> > think it is important for shoppers to maintain
> > their professionalism at all times and the
> > companies and their employees should do the
> same.
> > Mutual respect is the most important thing. I
> > can't speak for other companies but I will say
> > that we are listening....
> Madam,
> Since Mystery Shoppers are Independent
> Contractors, you do not have the right to
> insist or advise them how they should behave in
> writing on this forum or any other whether they
> are venting or complaining or complimenting when
> they are on their private time and not functioning
> as fulfilling a contract for you or any of the
> other eavesdropping corporate employees. If you
> wish to insist on such advice on behavior it
> appears to me that you cross the line into
> employer and thus could be liable to pay minimum
> wage.
> Just offering some advice on the behavior of
> officials of some corporations who wish to
> eavesdrop. It would be wiser to eavesdrop without
> giving instruction to those who are not
> "employees".

To clarify, I wasn't directing anyone how to respond, but I was giving feedback regarding the fact that this is a public forum and that companies are looking at what is out there. Not to spy, but to be certain that we know where the shoppers are coming from and we address issues that make mystery shopping difficult. However, we also notice when shoppers are unprofessional and know that they are not the shoppers we choose to align ourselves with. Even subcontractors must be aware that standards are there for everyone to follow and if professionalism is not one of your standards than you must accept the work with companies that do not require it. We believe strongly that there are a large pool of shoppers with a professional attitude and strong work ethic. Unfortunately, not all shoppers fall into this category and I try to remember that these few should not represent all shoppers.

Stacy Wagner
Director, Mystery Shopping Division
Baird Group
TechSavvy Wrote:
> shoppinalong Wrote:
> > Since Mystery Shoppers are Independent
> > Contractors, you do not have the right to
> > insist or advise them how they should behave in
> > writing on this forum or any other whether they
> > are venting or complaining or complimenting
> when
> > they are on their private time and not
> functioning
> > as fulfilling a contract for you or any of the
> > other eavesdropping corporate employees. If
> you
> > wish to insist on such advice on behavior it
> > appears to me that you cross the line into
> > employer and thus could be liable to pay
> minimum
> > wage.
> >
> > Just offering some advice on the behavior of
> > officials of some corporations who wish to
> > eavesdrop. It would be wiser to eavesdrop
> without
> > giving instruction to those who are not
> > "employees".
> I didn't take it like that at all. I read her
> comments as common sense from the perspective of a
> MSC. There’s a difference between issuing a
> directive as an employer, as you say she did, and
> simply reminding people that it's usually better
> if one doesn't burn bridges. The point is, MSC's
> do read forums.

I think you are over reacting!
I believe that some companies indeed use this forum to see if they are being slammed...It's okay to vent but not to name names. That's when your professionalism goes down the drain! I have read some complaints where the shopper has been dead wrong. For example on a purchase and return, the shopper was upset that he didn't receive payment because he CHOSE to return the item to a different location than he purchased! Really! I don't believe it's hard for companies to figure out which shopper said what. I would expect they would be dropped from their data base and so they should! We sign letters of confidentiality which does not give us a right to expose the jobs we work!

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