I couldn't have said it better myself, and completely agree with what you said!
AlwaysAngie Wrote:
> Not all companies pay attention to the forums but
> some do. If I were to see a thread about the
> company I edit for, I would bring it to their
> attention since I'm a shopper also and on here
> occassionally. If there's an issue, they'd want to
> resolve it, if at all possible. Sometimes it's not
> possible to please everyone, so it is what it is.
> One thing to remember is although this forum is
> for shoppers, it's still a business forum and you
> should conduct yourself professionally when
> complaining about a company. You might not care
> about working for Company A ever again but Company
> B owner might not believe you handled yourself
> appropriately because they risk their credibility
> with the clients if something happens. If your
> reaction is over the top, company owners might not
> want to risk dealing with someone who behaves
> inappropriately. You could end up losing your
> ability to work for a company you do love by
> throwing a "tantrum" online.
> The same holds true for private correspondence.
> Just as shoppers discuss companies, companies
> discuss terrible shoppers. Schedulers help one
> another out when they're looking for shoppers in
> areas they don't have any. So if a shopper acts in
> a nasty manner or repeatedly flakes on shops, they
> may find themselves out of opportunties from
> companies they want to work with. Likewise, if
> there's a shopper who's been great to work with,
> that shopper can find themselves getting more work
> than before with companies they're signed up with
> or invites to join a company they're not with.