I don't get what poeple love about this company, but I guess we are all different.
I find their forms a pain in my rear! They are clunky and you have to answer one part before you can answer the nest. I had a shop which required a phone call a day or two after the shop. However, the shop form required the telephone portion to be entered before access was given to the rest of the form.
The reimbursement for the dining shop I did didn't cover the requirements and I found the food mediocre. Not something I would choose to pay for. Overall, I think the shops aren't worth what they pay.
Another shop, my report was rejected because I asked about a product type. The instructions said don't ask for the specific product, so I didn't. Then the reprot was rejected for asking for the type of product. I do have to give them credit for paying me after I sent an email quoting the instructions and explaining that I did follow the instructions. However, they didn't bother to answer my email at all.
I'm not impressed.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2012 09:54PM by Bay.