Shoppers Critique International

Hi everyone, just joined a new company, Shoppers Critique International. Has

anyone ever shopped for them ? Are they reliable, etc,?

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Just under your post is a link for "More Discussions About Shoppers Critique International."

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
I have shopped for them in the past and I loved working for them. Unfortunately, I am past the age limit for a lot of the shops they have in my area.
LOVE them! They are one of my favorites! Their schedulers and editors are super nice, and the shops are always pretty easy.
I don't get what poeple love about this company, but I guess we are all different.

I find their forms a pain in my rear! They are clunky and you have to answer one part before you can answer the nest. I had a shop which required a phone call a day or two after the shop. However, the shop form required the telephone portion to be entered before access was given to the rest of the form.

The reimbursement for the dining shop I did didn't cover the requirements and I found the food mediocre. Not something I would choose to pay for. Overall, I think the shops aren't worth what they pay.

Another shop, my report was rejected because I asked about a product type. The instructions said don't ask for the specific product, so I didn't. Then the reprot was rejected for asking for the type of product. I do have to give them credit for paying me after I sent an email quoting the instructions and explaining that I did follow the instructions. However, they didn't bother to answer my email at all.

I'm not impressed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2012 09:54PM by Bay.
Never gotten as far as a form. I really hate their shop application process. My schedule gets way too busy to wait around for so long to find out whether or not I've been assigned, and for a date that's up in the air? I honestly vacillate between sticking with them or deactivating.
I hate applying for shops and not knowing if you will get them. It isn't possible to make any money if you leave your schedule open in case they decide to choose you. This is a problem with many MSC's. I much prefer self assign shops because they allow me to plan out my time easier.
Yes, but in my experience, this one takes the cake. With others, the date is usually firm and if another shop comes up before I've heard back, I'll go in and delete my pending application.
I signed up with them because of this forum only to find that they do not have shops either in my area or Canada.
I have been doing shops for this company for a few years. They are easy to get in touch with, pay on time and their feedback is reasonable. I wish they had more jobs in my area.
I have worked for them from 2008 to 2010 but they lost the two clients that I was interested in and now they don't have anything good for me in my area. They are really nice and easy to work with.
I do their hair care shops regularly and find them fair, with easy reports and reliable payment. If I apply and then they accept too late for me to stick to the scheduled date, they have always worked with me to find an acceptable date. Sometime, all you have to do is ask.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I did a hair care shop last night and just finished my report moments ago. I've done work with them sporadically. I understand seeing the job list kind of scared me too and seemed confusing. I merely picked up the phone and everyone seemed eager to assist me and promptly answered all my questions, assigned me the particular shop and prompt payments are the norm. Have been great about working with me on due dates, too. Meeting some of the employees at the IMSC convention where they had a booth was a real plus in my opinion. Being able to occasionally put a face with a voice helps.
Almost all the shops they send already have waiting list - did a MAJOR FL attraction years ago that paid for admission - only had to evaluate ticket sales. Now admission isn't included.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/28/2012 12:48PM by sun&fun.
What's up with this company. They sent out an email for a shop that already shows 2 shoppers waiting. Why would they send this? As it is, I've put in for their shops and never gotten any. I've reached the point where they aggravate me with their "shoppers waiting" - so give the shop to some one, please and stop bothering me with emails that offer nothing!!!
Sorry, guess I had to vent to someone!
I really like this company and have done several shops for them. I have done cultureal venue shops where some have paid a fee and some have only paid for admission and reimbursed gift shop purchases. They have always worked with me on due dates, extending them without a problem when needed. They always pay on time which is always important.
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