Asset Protection Associates (Corporate Risk Solutions) paid so fast I haven't seen in years!

I did a shop late in December for Asset Protection Associates (Corporate Risk Solutions) and was amazed at the super fast pp payment. Very impressive. I have seen a payment that fast since the early '90's.

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I did one for them and was paid in one day. It did have a rather high amount item I had to purchase (and be reimbursed for) and the pay was high as well. It was really nice to be reimbursed/paid so quickly.

Yes, for a fairly high item purchase I was paid the same afternoon I emailed the postal receipt that I was forwarding the item to them. But other shops that are just paying a fee or fee and small reimbursement tend to pay in around 30 days.
Yeah but Flash, 30 days is hot for 2012! Most of these companies are running 2-3 mos on average. For me its not an issue as long as I get my money but I know some of the other shoppers really count on that money and when they have to wait it is a hardship. Sad to say, 30 days or less is great!
Customer Feedback also has lightning fast payments and I was shocked the first time I got paid. I even got paid the next day for a shop I did the day before when I checked on Paypal. Customer Feedback does pharmacies that I know of.
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