ACL Site

I have a shop tonight, and the site is down sad smiley I wanted to review my requirements before I went in so I knew what to order. Gah!!!

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One important thought to keep in mind. If you signed an ICA and unless you have an express agreement with a MSC that you will not receive the info or check it until you are ready to perform the shop, you can be held liable for all damages the MSC has for your failure to not be prepared... regardless of their computer being down.

Remember each day to "help someone, laugh and learn something new!"
Which of course brings about its own set of issues as some MSPs change the instructions between the time you sign/accept the job and the time it is performed and some don't even post up the instructions until a few days before the shop. Luckily ACL is not one that has ever done this to me and most MSPs do send out a notification if the instructions have changed prior to the performance date for the shop which can allow you to bow out if the new instructions are not acceptable. But I have fought the battle over having printed the instructions to pdf and reviewing them right before a shop only to be told that the instructions were updated. I was paid for having done what I contracted to do though I doubt if the MSP was able to use the shop.

As a CYA, when I accept a job I make a pdf of the instructions. I try to remember to review the instructions on the website before heading out, though I will admit I do not always do so for shops I have performed many, many times.
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