Which of course brings about its own set of issues as some MSPs change the instructions between the time you sign/accept the job and the time it is performed and some don't even post up the instructions until a few days before the shop. Luckily ACL is not one that has ever done this to me and most MSPs do send out a notification if the instructions have changed prior to the performance date for the shop which can allow you to bow out if the new instructions are not acceptable. But I have fought the battle over having printed the instructions to pdf and reviewing them right before a shop only to be told that the instructions were updated. I was paid for having done what I contracted to do though I doubt if the MSP was able to use the shop.
As a CYA, when I accept a job I make a pdf of the instructions. I try to remember to review the instructions on the website before heading out, though I will admit I do not always do so for shops I have performed many, many times.