Reason why you do not get MS assignments anymore

The following is a response I received when I asked why certain shops I could not do anymore.

With mystery shopping, there are certain rotation requirements specified by each Client. Because of this, there are instances where people are restricted from accepting particular shops. These are permanent restrictions and they cannot be lifted. You are still showing as a Shopper in our database, however, so you can continue to accept a variety of the other shops available.

Have any other Mystery Shoppers received a similar response?


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I haven't received it stated quite like that but yes, there are rotation requirements and there are maximum number requirements. I am chafing because I seem to have maxed out a client I enjoyed doing.
I think I maxed out my welcome with a client that has three different (yet similar) businesses. I used to shop all three monthly and almost every month. Haven't seen them available to me for some time.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/11/2012 01:25AM by lisams901.
Oh bummer!

So it looks like I have this to look forward to in the future (Near or far)?

That's not good!

~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~

Proud To Be A Soldier's Mom
I received something like that when Marketforce accused me of being the cousin of a bank branch manager to get out of paying me. It didn't seem to matter that I wasn't from this area at all and don't have any living family.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
If it's Market Force then it is just a matter of timesmiling smiley Seriously, some companies have a hard time filling the jobs and keep sending the same people in too often and too many times. If you are planning on being in this biz for the long haul it can be a good thing to impose your own rotations on some shops. While it might be difficult to pass up the fees, you will minimize the chance of being pegged as the shopper which will then put you on permanent hiatus from not only that location, but all of the client's locations. Good rule of thumb, if it's either an in-depth interaction and/or the type of business with minimal employees and little turnover you should stay away until you can be reasonably sure you will not be recognized.

klhofbauer Wrote:
> Oh bummer!
> So it looks like I have this to look forward to in
> the future (Near or far)?
> That's not good!

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Yes, you guessed it, "MarketForce" but I still have two more assignments to do tomorrow. The other shops I did in the past I haven't done since April of last year. I sure miss the burgers and getting some money while grocery shopping.
I found it funny that the google ad attached to this page was for the golden arches.

I think the word "burger" must have triggered it :^)
Well OK I may be wrong, but I am reading this as the shop that you applied for is within your = their rotation, i.e. 60 days or whatever and you will just have to wait until your time is up.
Problem is IF it's this company, they are one of my best "grab & self-schedule" companies! I'm not liking the fact that I may get the heave-ho!

Speaking of this MSC, does anyone else get personal emails telling you "Fantastic job"? I'm only asking this because I got a couple for some photo audits I did with them, which I absolutely loved doing - and I got a nice personal email - not canned - from an editor. (Reason I suspect it was personal is because they specifically mentioned something I had done with the photos)

When I get something like that, then hear how they drop shoppers after a bit, I get crossed signals and wonder what's going on!

As far as other companies and rotations, I already self-impose visits where necessary so I'm not flagged as a shopper. Certain stores, nah, not with employee turnover. (Even before reading info here about it, I took it as common sense to not do it.) HOWEVER... there is this ONE STORE that every month when it comes up, I want to shop it. It's got a 60 day rotation - but I'm personally in that dang store weekly, because I LOVE IT! Heck, I gave my husband my Christmas list, and everything on it was from that store!

Now - wouldn't it make sense (it does to me, ha ha) to have a REGULAR customer go in there and do the Mystery Shop? A new shopper would look out of place because they wouldn't know the first thing about the store. I just did this shop last weekend, so now - darn it - I have to wait until March!

LisaSTL Wrote:
> If it's Market Force then it is just a matter of
> timesmiling smiley Seriously, some companies have a hard time
> filling the jobs and keep sending the same people
> in too often and too many times. If you are
> planning on being in this biz for the long haul it
> can be a good thing to impose your own rotations
> on some shops. While it might be difficult to pass
> up the fees, you will minimize the chance of being
> pegged as the shopper which will then put you on
> permanent hiatus from not only that location, but
> all of the client's locations. Good rule of thumb,
> if it's either an in-depth interaction and/or the
> type of business with minimal employees and little
> turnover you should stay away until you can be
> reasonably sure you will not be recognized.
> klhofbauer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Oh bummer!
> >
> > So it looks like I have this to look forward to
> in
> > the future (Near or far)?
> >
> > That's not good!

~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~

Proud To Be A Soldier's Mom
For this particular company they'll give shoppers the heave-ho just for the fun of it. I tossed them after they screwed me over much more than once. There are plenty of companies out there that don't treat us like crap.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
I couldn't get one of my favorite shops in my town, waited the rotation and
still no email, nothing, just never got assigned. I wrote and asked why.
I was spotted as the shopper (who knew), and am "never" able to get that
shop again....thanks for telling me, not! I still do many other shops for
them, but, shouldn't I have known?

Live consciously....
I have several companies that I would love to do again but have been told that i have to wait 90 to 180 days between shops.
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