Obviously being late is not a good idea, but I would let it stress me only enough to not let it happen again. ACL is not a company that will ding you fees or reject your shop because it was a little late to "teach you a lesson". Rather repeated problems might limit the opportunities available to you. With them, as with any other company, your goal should be to work towards self assignment and preservation of what self assignment privileges you have already. A 'problem shopper' may have to request every shop and be awarded shops only when there is nobody who wants the job enough to self assign.
With hospitality shops especially, the deal is to get the report to the client as quickly as possible after the event. It is not a type of shop that the MSP just sends tallies to the client at the end of the month. Ideally a hospitality shop report is on line and available for the client to read or download 24 hours after the shopper walked out of the restaurant or hotel. If the shopper takes 13 hours, then the editor only has 11 hours to get it done. And if the editor needs to contact the shopper for more information, they may miss the deadline and the report becomes an "exception". I feel sure that there are quotas for the MSP with the client about how many reports can be more than 24 hours old and still accepted and quotas for the editors as well.
With ACL, I figure that any contact an editor makes with me more than 24 hours after I left the location is probably a question raised by the client. I may be wrong, but my reports get accepted so darn fast that I suspect they are on a 24 hour turn around. I figure my editors must love me because I can walk out of a restaurant at 8PM and they have already had ample time to edit my report and get it out to the client shortly after noon the following day. For a while I had an editor who would take the report I submitted at 11PM and have it shipped to the client before midnight. THAT is customer service!
So it really is not so much the window to do the job that is critical to report submission but rather the elapsed time since you left the location.