Scenario for Bar after Dinner

Hi Guys: What is a good scenario to do a bar after diiner? Any ideas would be appreciated. thanks.

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Who needs a scenario, just tell the server you are going to the bar for after dinner drinkssmiling smiley They will probably be happy they can turn the table.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Nothing needed, you feel like an after dinner drink, folks do it all the time.
You'll be spotted if you give the server a scenario, just do it, as they say.

Live consciously....
It's not at all uncommon to visit the bar after dinner as well as visiting before dinner and then moving to a table. One shop I do requires me to sit at the bar with a companion and order one alcoholic and one non-alcoholic beverage and an appetizer, then move to a table and order dinner for both of us. The bartender always tries to get you to order dinner, so the first couple of times I did this shop it seemed awkward to get up after the appetizer and drinks, pay the bartender and go back to the hostess to be seated at a table and order dinner. Because it had always seemed normal to me to either go to the bar, order drinks and appetizer, then order dinner at the bar OR go straight to a table and order drinks, appetizer and dinner. Or at least to order only drnks at the bar and then move to a table for appetizer and meal. But apparently it's more common than I thought ..... and besides, the bartenders and hostesses don't really care ... and you owe them no explanation for what you are doing. If you offer too much info, you will stick out in their memory and as a shopper you don't want to be memorable.
If they are televising a sports game in the bar you could mention that you are going to the bar to watch the game.
I feel awkward doing this too. I've always assumed the server thinks 'just get another glass of wine here' but I've never thought about them wanting to turn tables. Thanks!
What is "turn tables?" I have to do a bar dinner scenario. I'm not up on the bar lingo. :-) I am venturing out of the FF mode.
It's basically just a reference to getting in the next batch of diners. A restaurant may need to turn each table 3 times in an evening to make bank (profit).

While this may have changed, for a long time it was rather unique to the US. I worked for a restaurant owner from Sicily 30 years ago and he said the concept of "grabbing" dinner on the way to another event was not a common practice in Europe where the dinner is the event and people tend to linger. To this day his family has a great restaurant which is white tablecloth fine dining on one side and more of a casual experience in the bar and on the patio.

That whole rushing diners has gotten so bad that I actually saw something on the tube about dining etiquette dictating we should not tie up tables and servers doing things like (jokingly) giving a table a parking ticket. I found it galling to be told we are being rude by not allowing ourselves to be rushed out the door!

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
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