Strategic Reflections-BIG GRUMPY pay vent

OK, I had avoided Strat due to some negative posts here and on the V-God board.

But, some peeps I trust said they were good and paid, etc. I checked out their pay cycle, 27th of the month following, so roughly a 60 day pay cycle if you do shops at the first of the month.

I am NOT NOT NOT happy to see that the shops I did the first week of November, that were to have checks cut on 12/27/11, were not mailed until today (1/6/12). They're smelling like Service Sleuth and I

It will end up being a 75 day pay cycle.

I don't think I'll be shopping for them for a while.

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I've always been paid according to Strategic's terms, "Our payroll department begins processing paychecks around the 27th of each month for all shops completed the previous month. For example, any shops completed in February will begin processing approximately March 27th after the client has approved all shops for the prior month."

I did a shop for them the first week of October. Payment for it was by check, dated Nov. 28 and I received it Dec. 8.

They have a fast food chicken shop that I lovesmiling smiley
I do not do very much for them, but the last one I did, according to their pay schedule should have started processing on the 27th of November. I finally did receive it about 12/23. My thought was "What kind of processing systems taked them almost a month to complete?
I got an email from them a couple of weeks ago, stating 'urgent.' I called as suggested and the scheduler told me instead of the 11.00 fee (which includes a required purchase) they are offering a 15.00 fee.

I blurted out, "must not be too urgent then for 15 bucks.'

She laughed. I told her no thanks, it takes me longer to find something for 11.00 or less than the shop itself. On top of that they pay so slowly it's discouraging.

Evaluating and mailing packages since1994
Strategic Reflections does have a longer pay cycle, but I like working for them. Their shops and reports are pretty easy, and the pay is usually above average. The shops are self-assign, and I can count on snagging at least 5 shops every month. They're one of my top 5 or 10 favorite companies to shop for.
Robin - they offered it to me for a "big bonus" according to the voice mail they left of TWO DOLLARS and the place was 25 miles to get there.

Thanks but no thanks; I have enough socks from that joint and don't like their clothes at all to begin with!
I've completed 126 assignments over a 47 month period without a speck of a problem with this MSC. On a few occasions, I've needed an extension, with each being quickly granted. All schedulers are easily accessible by phone and the reports aren't time consuming or repetitive. These are my kind of folks with whom to be involved in business.
I love Strategic Reflections. I've done probably 100 shops for them and have never had a problem.
Mert Wrote:
> I did a shop for them the first week of October.
> Payment for it was by check, dated Nov. 28 and I
> received it Dec. 8.
> They have a fast food chicken shop that I lovesmiling smiley

That's probably the shops I've been doing. Love that place. Got the check today. Really haven't much FF/FC that I have to wait over 60d from other companies.

That's pretty much the only jobs they have here, plus inspections for $10.
Strategic Reflections is a very good company to work for and you know when you will be paid and the checks are good they don't bonce. So if you dont like their way of being paid then don't do shops for them. I will continue to do as any shops as I can for them and they even call me if they have a shop that needs to be done ASAP.
Mert Wrote:
> They have a fast food chicken shop that I lovesmiling smiley

Yeah I like that one too. It goes pretty quick though. I've only managed to snag it twice.


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