Service Probe

I worked with them doing airport shops, it didn't pay all that well but it was steady. i called them the other day and asked why I hadn't received any jobs lately and was informed that they do not have the contract anymore. They were unable or unwilling to tell me who has the contract now.
Anyone else have anything on this?

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I did one little airport for them on Hilton Head Island in SC. Haven't done it for awhile, and I guess I won't be doing it again any time soon if they don't have the contract. If I remember correctly, they had a weird system of sending reports via email. No actual website to go to. I could not begin to tell you where those shops have gone and I can't imagine doing such a shop at the airports around here, NY, NJ LOL.

The more I learn about people...the more I like my dog..

Mark Twain
I live in Western Arkansas and do not have to contend with the MASSIVE headaches of getting to and through the airports like you do in your area, thank you for the information.

> I did one little airport for them on Hilton Head
> Island in SC. Haven't done it for awhile, and I
> guess I won't be doing it again any time soon if
> they don't have the contract. If I remember
> correctly, they had a weird system of sending
> reports via email. No actual website to go to. I
> could not begin to tell you where those shops have
> gone and I can't imagine doing such a shop at the
> airports around here, NY, NJ LOL.

I've received 2 offers for that shop, but don't recall the MSC. I doubt though you'd be interested, as the pay is now $9 and you're required, by the timing stamp, to spend at least 40 minutes between rides. When Service Probe had the shops, I was paid $20 and I think the time was shorter.
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