JM Ridgeway and Franchise Compliance

I didn't see any topics like this started yet.

Those are the only two companies I will end the year with still being owed money.

I'm not counting MSCs still within their payment terms. Just MSCs that don't pay. The assignments from both companies are from Aug.

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I am in the same boat with you for FC. The checks for FC and two other reliable companies check have to go in the minus balance for the year. For me that's not bad. :-(

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2012 10:17PM by sojo917.
After promises from Franchise Compliance that they had straightened out their problems with paying in a timely manner, I did not get my check as promised in December. Thankfully it was only $10 when a carpet shop turned into a phone shop only. I emailed Ralph a couple of days after it was due, quoting his own email to me about it, but heard nothing. I told him that was my test to see if I'd do anything bigger for them, and if they paid it on time, I'd do a full carpet cleaning shop. But it didn't happen - no check, no response. They cannot be trusted.

~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~* Shoppin' Mama of 4 lovely & unique girls and Nana to Bella, Delilah and Lincoln, shopping in Oregon and parts of Washington

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/03/2012 10:39PM by Jaosmom.
contact aa@jmridgewaycom. Ann will issue you an immediate payment.I contacted her about missing Nov. payments, and got payment and an email about an hour later. lisams901 Wrote:
> I didn't see any topics like this started yet.
> Those are the only two companies I will end the
> year with still being owed money.
> I'm not counting MSCs still within their payment
> terms. Just MSCs that don't pay. The assignments
> from both companies are from Aug.

~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~* Shoppin' Mama of 4 lovely & unique girls and Nana to Bella, Delilah and Lincoln, shopping in Oregon and parts of Washington
lisams901 Wrote:
> I didn't see any topics like this started yet.
> Those are the only two companies I will end the
> year with still being owed money.
> I'm not counting MSCs still within their payment
> terms. Just MSCs that don't pay. The assignments
> from both companies are from Aug.

i threatened them will legal action and received payment within three days. i offered to prosecute both their client and the immediate scheduler in a courtroom for misrepresentation. i performed only one job with them with the payment overdue by six months.
JM owes me quite a sum from Oct/Nov, but I don't really want to get started with that company as a whole.

JM = sucks big time.

And I've emailed 'Ann' and I've heard nothing back.
Wow- I have never had that experience at all! I have had to follow up on one email unanswered in the last year, but they do pay rather quickly once I contact them.

~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~*~~~~~* Shoppin' Mama of 4 lovely & unique girls and Nana to Bella, Delilah and Lincoln, shopping in Oregon and parts of Washington
It was the same way 10 years ago with Ann and oh my goodness payment is there. I guess they count on shoppers forgetting...

Jaosmom Wrote:
> contact aa@jmridgewaycom. Ann will issue you an
> immediate payment.I contacted her about missing
> Nov. payments, and got payment and an email about
> an hour later. lisams901 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I didn't see any topics like this started yet.
> >
> > Those are the only two companies I will end the
> > year with still being owed money.
> >
> > I'm not counting MSCs still within their
> payment
> > terms. Just MSCs that don't pay. The
> assignments
> > from both companies are from Aug.
for both the one shop that i did for jm and the one shop tht i did for fc i was paid in a timely manner in the full amount....

shopping north west PA and south west ny
I'm not sure I would lump Franchise Compliance and J M Ridgeway in the same. They are both problems to collect from but of different kinds. Franchise Compliance is simply one I would not consider working for. I completed two shops for FC a couple of years ago, when they were still paying their shoppers, and I was paid within their stated payment terms. That is not the case for shoppers anymore, and reminders and requests from shoppers don't seem to help. FC is a company to avoid big time.

Ridgeway is a different problem although theirs is also payment. Ridgeway fills its shopping instructions with warnings like "don't try to lie - we are the oldest operating shopping company and we know how to spot lies" - but despite their pride at being the oldest currently operating MSP, they do not seem to have developed any record-keeping system that allows them to pay their shoppers within their payment terms without the shopper contacting them and requesting payment. As noted above, when contacted, Ann pays promptly. After realizing that requesting payment from Ann is I have avoided shopping for them. I feel that once I've done the shop, I've earned the money...and I don't continue to work for companies who make me come back and ask for the payment. Some shoppers do not mind chasing their money, and, if they don't mind e-mailing Ann to ask for payment each time they perform a Ridgeway shop, this is not a bad company to work for.
Since posting this, I have received payment from Ridgway. It is amazing how fast the payment gets here once it's been requested. If only they could just pay that quickly from the start.

On the other hand, still nothing from FC, not even a reply to my most recent emails. The last I heard from anyone was one of their schedulers. She was the scheduler I spoke to for the one job I did for them. She sent out an email about this job that needed to be done and was now bonused to $35.00. It was the same address as the job I did. I replied and told her that $35 was a tempting price for that job, but I was still waiting on payment for the job I did there in August. She said she was sorry and would look into it. Nada since then.
I completed a shop on 9/13 for $122. I have emailed at least 6 response and no payment 6 months later (to the date). Do not shop for them.
After many letters, e-mails, and contacting the actual client (CHEM-DRY), I finally received a check today. I did this shop in Sept.

I would NEVER do another shop for FC and wish I could spread the word...they're now advertising carpet cleaning shops for $225.

10 Year Veteran Shopper
I have had problems getting a simple $20 payment from JM Ridgeway. I have emailed them twice now. The first reply said that the check would go out next week. That was 2 weeks ago. This will be the first and last shop I complete for them once I get my money.
Did you e-mail Ann at Ridgeway? She seems to be the only one motivated enough to pay the shoppers.

I did a shop about 3 years ago and of course was not paid until I e-mailed and asked for payment. Because I learned this was the norm for Ridgeway, I decided never to accept another from them. I feel very strongly that I'm a good shopper who writes great reports and that by doing/reporting the shop, I have earned my fee. I should not have to chase the payment. This summer they posted a furniture shop, very easy, for $20 so I took it. Same thing. Had to beg for my money again. Both times I was paid immediately after contacting Ann.

This time I mean it - never again. If a company can't manage to pay its shoppers without the shopper coming back to request payment, then there is something wrong. And this is a company that proudly tells you they are the oldest still-operating mystery shopping company......if that's true, wouldn't you think they'd have developed processes for tracking completed shops and paying their shoppers in a timely manner?
As many of you know, I waged hell on Franchise Compliance for my $125 payment -shop completed in Sept. check (!) sent in Feb.

Personally, I think sending a note to the company who secured the MS Company to complete their shops is a great way to get some instant response. I'd write a brief note to the Director of Sales of XXX Company w/a CC: to MS Company and No legit business wants to be added to the RipOffReport list.

Since no reults have occurred, you might try this approach. If you find a MS Shopping Blogger couldn't hurt either!

10 Year Veteran Shopper
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