
I have tried to do 3 presentations (energy) for a certain company. And the first 2 were cancelled, luckily I called the hotels and they told me this so I didn't have to drive out there. But the one I had today did not have a number, it was not a hotel. I waited for 30 minutes and no one showed up. These were my first job for this company. I hope they at least pay me for my gas. Needless to say I am very unhappy with this mystery shop company.

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I had an assignment in a hospital which could not be completed because the client was not there. I e-mailed the Mystery Shopping Co. and they paid me the full fee.

Another time, no demonstration was scheduled by the warehouse store, I e-mailed the company, got much up and down the ladder communication, etc. They agreed to pay, posted it but still no pay, my fault, I'm too tired to fight.

A third time there was no Valet Parking at the hospital's emergency entrance, I called the MS provider from the site. They said to go ahead and do the available Valet parking, I did, got a ten rating and three weeks later got turned down by the Client, who said no pay. The MS Co. offered to pay me the $12 from their pocket. To save their face, I accepted.

From these experiences I've learned not to delete e-mail or I print 'n save it in an envelope file.

I wish you success.
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