Redhill Group-anyone shop for them?

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I have never heard of them but a little checking and they do appear to be 'real'. The phone numbers, including a toll free, work and are answered professionally (and are safe to call late on a Friday night as no one is there).

The website has not been updated since 2008 and the text sounds as though many if not all of their evaluations are done by staff. (Phone work, for example, requires you to report on time for your shift.) They do indicate they are looking for mystery shoppers for restaurant evaluations. There is no application on the site but rather if you are interested you contact them. They further indicate, "We provide a thorough training seminar so that you can give quality feedback our clients expect from us." Thus I don't know whether you are employee or ICA. They are located in Irvine CA so could be of interest to CA shoppers.
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