cynb Wrote:
> OK AS far as I can tell all MSCs list their pay
> cycle. So I would suggest not taking the shops if
> you cannot wait that long for the pay. That is
> their policy and it is like any other job you will
> be told when you will receive the pay. Always
> check. Especially if you need to put a chunk of $
> out their first. My theory is I will need the $12
> or $29 when it shows up. I always need it.
Hmmmm? You certainly have an interesting take on this thread. If you insist that this thread was created to moan and gripe and complain then I guess you've got a point. However, this thread was simply a listing of slow paying MSCs for people who like to manage their cash flow. Nobody was fact, I work for many of these companies and I'm the one who started the list.
Cynical is as cynical does. Luckily, the sky is not always falling. Geesh.