wahladee Wrote:
> I did not get my payment either. I don't remember
> this ever happening since I started working for
> them 2 years ago. Perhaps it has something to do
> with the new company and/or the new contract that
> we had to sign last week.
> I had already signed a contract with the new
> company, but then another message came up last
> week where I had to sign it again before I could
> do any more shops. When I looked closely at it,
> the new contract stated that the promise to pay
> was within 30 days after completing each shop. I
> signed it anyway, but maybe I should have waited
> until after Christmas.
> I also noticed an error message on my pay detail
> report relating to a "Lowes" shop. That might
> have had something to do with it.. Anyway, this is
> unlike Corporate Research, so I hope that
> everything will return to normal on Tuesday.
I finally got paid on Thursday, lets see if we get paid today as well. Nothing in my account yet. I usually see something around 7am to about 8am. Since this company got bought out, by the other company nothing but issues. I had to change the date to do some stores down in NJ, and all I got was a snotty attuded. The gas pedal got stuck, and even sent them the police report. I got a witchy lady. If we could grade our own company, on the payroll issues, for them not having someone there for that, I give them an F. Let me tell you, I didnt have any food in the fridge, never mind holiday shopping, but food. I was looking at that paycheck to make sure my pets were taken care of too. But they put me in a bad spot.