Anyone work for ServiceSense?

Just signed with them. Did a search to see if there was any info or discussion about them to no avail.

Has anyone worked for them?

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Yes and yes.....I did their healthy burger shop (great Maui Maui burgers), that's all I've seen here. Terrific company, no nonsense, enjoy...haven't worked for them in a few months, think there is a rotation.
They notify by email.

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2011 04:43PM by Irene_L.A..
I will chime in too. I have been working for them for many years. They are great people. They have only a few shops now (in LA...but elsewhere i dont know) and will contact you directly with job offers when they have one in your area.
> Just signed with them. Did a search to see if
> there was any info or discussion about them to no
> avail.
> Has anyone worked for them?
thanks Sandy,

Just received an offer and they seem great to deal with. I will report later after I have done it. So far, they are (what you say) so I look forward to
enjoying it.
lbarlbar Wrote:
> Just signed with them. Did a search to see if
> there was any info or discussion about them to no
> avail.
> Has anyone worked for them?

I have, but I can't recall where or what I shopped for them. They're not on my blacklist, so I guess they're on the up and up...

Good luck, and enjoy!

P.S. Have you tried [?] It's a centralized company that lists all companies that use the sassie software system. It's a great place to sign up with = they take your personalized criteria [distance, fees, etc.] and email you when jobs come up, with a link to them posted in it; also, they have a listing of ALL the companies that use their software - which is a good source of new companies to apply for.

Try it!
I have a slightly of-topic question.

I wish Jobslinger listed all affiliated MSCs. I'm signed up with all listed, and still come across companies which prompt me for express signup as a subscriber of Jobslinger Plus. On their recruiterator page, Jobslinger says there are many more companies than listed. Why don't they list them? Do the participating MSC's pay a higher fee to be listed ?
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