BARE payments.

BARE payment announcement on the tenth, deposit into my account the twelfth. The last few months did get later, but this December, on the nineteenth day nada, nekas, nothing, rien!

Am I the only one who's not gotten paid for November shops?

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I haven't gotten paid yet either. I was wondering about that. They still pay me by check (despite them having my bank info) and I usually get an email between the 13th - 15th telling me what my check will be. Didn't receive the email either.
Me neither. I noticed that my October shops (that I already got paid for in November) were updated with a paid date of 12/12/11.
Yeah some of my old already paid shops are marked paid on 12/12/11 which isn't right.

Evaluating and mailing packages since1994
I'm so angry that I'm not doing any more shops , regardless of their bonus. Until I get paid I'll ignore those e-mails.

I'm sure that'll give Christmas cheer to newbies and ak oldies.
Justtrying Wrote:
> Where on the website do they show when shops were
> paid?

I am in NW OH. But any way it's hard to find. If I have time 2nite I will go back and see if I can find it.
Does Justtrying mean that you are just starting out? If so do not despair, this is a real deal. It just takes time to get going.
I heard that the really tough editor is still reviewing the checks and since the MEMO area on the check didn't make a perfectly complete sentence, they were being held until this could be corrected. (Just kidding.) Correction: I was just kidding.
Came here just to find out about this! Still looking for my deposit, as well.

edited to add:

From a facebook response: "Good Morning everyone, You are correct in the fact that the shopper agreement states, "For services performed and reimbursement for allowable expenses will be distributed by computer-generated check or direct deposit on approximately the 16th of the month following the month in which projects were properly completed and received according to project requirements." Please note that this does say approximately so payments are not late at this time. We are working on getting them out. Thank you for understanding and patience."


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2011 03:25PM by NCMama.
I received an email a few minutes ago stating they processed payment on 12/17/2011 for direct deposit. Nothing pending with bank...-sigh- Hope it updates soon. This will be my first payment from them.
Problem resolved ?!?!
E-mail from BARE 4:34 PM, Tues, Dec 20, 2011.
............processed payment for the below referenced assignments via Direct Deposit on Dec. 17,2011 in the amount of.......... The signer was BARE International.

I should point out that approximately half is payment and other half is refund of what I advanced BARE for shipping costs. I've not minded these advances until now as I looked at them as a minny savings account but today is another thing.

Like geauxcj, as of Tues, 12/20/2011 I have no Sat. 12/17 DD pending with the bank.

Let's hope.

PS. geauxcj, this is the first time I've experienced this garbahge with BARE and if I may say so THE LAST!
I got an e-mail that my payment was being processed for direct deposit today. Nothing in my account yet though. Too bad cause I really wanted to finish up my Christmas shopping tonight. Trendsource processed a direct deposti payment today but hasn't show up in my account either.
NCMama Wrote:
> Came here just to find out about this! Still
> looking for my deposit, as well.
> edited to add:
> From a facebook response: "Good Morning everyone,
> You are correct in the fact that the shopper
> agreement states, "For services performed and
> reimbursement for allowable expenses will be
> distributed by computer-generated check or direct
> deposit on approximately the 16th of the month
> following the month in which projects were
> properly completed and received according to
> project requirements." Please note that this does
> say approximately so payments are not late at this
> time. We are working on getting them out. Thank
> you for understanding and patience."
> Grrr...

Re: the BARE Facebook disclaimer ".....Thank you for understanding and patience". Sounds like the author needs to understand that the shipping et al. shops require an outlay of funds on our part, in some cases fairly substantial. As far as patience, pluuuueeez. How does that enter the equation? The whole statement sounds like condescending tripe.
ahmaynard Wrote:
> I got an e-mail that my payment was being
> processed for direct deposit today. Nothing in my
> account yet though. Too bad cause I really wanted
> to finish up my Christmas shopping tonight.
> Trendsource processed a direct deposti payment
> today but hasn't show up in my account either.

Well this is progress any way. I cannot find a place on the site to sign up for DD. In all fairness, I have not had a payment problem w/ them before. To my knowledge they are an established respected MSC, not to mention global. So I would not quit them for this minor glitch. Unless we do not get paid which I doubt.
More from FB:
As the FAQ’s on our website states, ( checks are usually cut between the 15th and 20th of each month and one payment is usually issued for all services rendered during the previous month. Electronic funds transfer is available if you prefer. If you chose to be paid through check sent by mail, please allow a few more days for delivery.

I got an email saying payment was coming. I get paper checks (because I have so many credit union shops, I like having something to deposit). I was so hoping to have it for Christmas shopping. I REALLY like how BestMark pays out weekly in the month of December. That is the best. And yes, Bare is keeping a lot of OUR money from us for all we spent to do the shops. This was not the month for a delay!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/21/2011 07:07AM by SpyGirl.
Email received last night. Processed on the 17th. This is the exact reason I was leery about tie-ing too much money up with the shops. I only did 2, for a test. So im not hurting.... But am waiting on 25 shops worth of payments from another MSC. So I can certainly feel the pain!
Just checked my account and found payments from Bare and Trendsource. Yay now off to finish up my last minute Christmas shopping!
OK COOL. I think that what we can learn from this experience is that we all are getting paid and Bare is credible and sometimes payment might be a little later than we expect. This is part of our business.
Remember the horrible Freeman experience.?
We all need to read the site to see what their payment schedules are before accepting a shop.
Comments welcome.
I haven't gotten mine yet but it's the first time they've been late for me. I won't quit shopping them because of this, I love their shops!
I looked around on the site and could not find anything about their payment schedule. I'd really like to know where that is found.

cynb Wrote:
> OK COOL. I think that what we can learn from this
> experience is that we all are getting paid and
> Bare is credible and sometimes payment might be a
> little later than we expect. This is part of our
> business.
> Remember the horrible Freeman experience.?
> We all need to read the site to see what their
> payment schedules are before accepting a shop.
> Comments welcome.
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